1. They are really not, but to people who live in darkness and looking for fleshly tickles, it's not there for them so leaves the empty because darkess caters to pleasures of the flesh and people that live in the light of God, are fed deeply in their spirit. And even sinners, some better than others know what I'm talking about. Spirit food: True love of a spouse, a child, your parents and other family members. Having compassion on the suffering. If you don't have it at all you are in darkness and suffering spiritual deficit. And sinners are usually unaware of this, you know why do you keep going back doing the same ol' things that never satisfied you and after it's over your twice or 3 times more empty. It is because deep down they're looking for something to fulfill them in their spirit but yet they seek out flesh pleasure alone and it cannot feed the heart. That is also why it can lead to depression for many. Real serious and not really cheesy question. When you don't know, you don't know and when you do know you do and in true perspective it will bring understanding. Many wicked and also sinners would have no pleasure in heaven.


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