Who Do You Want To Be? This is a powerful Motivational Speech Video on figuring out for yourself who you want to become.


  1. This is to any high schoolers, and especially some middle schoolers, that think they're ugly, or disliked by other teens, or anything like that. This is coming from someone who is currently 18.

    From the time I was 12 or 13, all the way to when I was 17, I thought I was the ugliest kid in my grade. I had a round gut that poked out, I was out of shape, I had very thin arms, a missing tooth, I was SO ugly back then. I never got girls or many friends at all. Never went on a date, never kissed, nothing. And throughout those years I always thought I would never get to date until I was an adult. It tortured me sometimes. But then guess what happened out of the blue? As I got closer to being 17 I noticed more and more girls being attracted to me, and I had no idea why. My gut still was partly round and poking out, I still had thin arms, and I was still missing a tooth, but yet I was still getting noticed. I even ended up going on my first date! And now modern times, I have more girls that like me now than ever before. But I'm not saying all this to feel good about myself, I'm saying this because I barely made much of a change to myself, and I still got a date in the end. Just because you don't get girls or guys now, don't mean you get them in the future. Everyone has they're glory days. For some it's middle school, others high school, others college, and in some cases adulthood. To this day I still have girls that find me ugly or unattractive, even though I'm 30+ pounds lighter, a lot stronger, and have matured a lot. But I don't let that shit get to me anymore because as you just saw in my story, it wasn't JUST about the looks.

    So in conclusion, weather you're in middle school or high school, or whatever don't automatically assume you don't get dates because of your looks or attitude, because remember this: there's thousands upon thousands of girls or guys your age in this world, all of which have a variety in taste. So just because 2 to 5 people reject you, doesn't mean hundreds of others will. Sometimes it's best to just let it come to you, and focus on more productive things in the meantime, instead of just moping around all the time.

    Keep you're heads up y'all, you got this. I believe in you. All of you are alpha boys and girls

  2. I really really want to be a great guitarist. My responsibilities in life drag me down to focus. My family and friends dont believed in me and i dont care. I dont want to do a job that i really dont like just for money.

  3. To the amazing person who is reading this, I wish you all the best in life.
    Don't be too hard on yourself; accept your mistakes and move on. Allow no one else to define "success" for you.
    Get up, develop the necessary skills, and get to work; the keys to a happy life are in your hands. Continue to push forward.

  4. This video has helped me in times of weakness, distress and fear. I'm not using it as a drug, I don't watch it on a daily basis. I watched it at the beginning of my University studies in 2019 because I was afraid of that period of my life, I was in identity quest. I just wanted to say " thank you for the video".

  5. For me it's music. I've always made music for myself without much care of sharing it with other people, but I know deep down it would change my life if I did. The scariest part is the possibility of it being trash to everyone else and the hope of it being what I thought it was is gone. You pour your heart out to the world and the one thing you think you have that can make you stand out and become successful, the thing that means more to you than anything in the world, and it's completely rejected. You realize you have nothing. That's scary and depressing as shit, and why I've been avoiding chasing my dreams

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  7. What do i want?

    What’s my outcome?

    What’s my result?

    What do I really want?

    What do I desire?

    When I get the result i have clarity.

    When i change, everything will change for me?

    When I get better everything will get better for me.

    For things to change i have to change.

    See if I could change myself for the better & as I change things will start to change for you.

    Know where I’m going the answers will come to u.

  8. Change my thoughts n then my life will change. Change thoughts, change my life.

    Every thought, every feeling, every emotion i experience in this lifetime it is shape by beliefs n values

    All of my life is control by the decisions I make…decisions on what I believe, decisions on what to feel, decisions on what to do.

    What to do requires the right strategy.

    If I do what is hard my life will be easy. If I do what is easy my life will be hard.


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