How long have you been living in survival mode? What happened to you was an event; it was never intended to define you.


  1. I just just want you to lay your hands on me, if I could touch the hem of you pant leg and one day I’m gonna get that! 🙏🏾🙏🏾 TD I feel it deeply in my soul, I cry, I praise, I do exactly as you say during your service I pray the Holy Spirit moves in my life BC I WANT MOREEEE!!! Jesus mighty name!

  2. And yet I live…not I but Christ that lives within me…I have never been more irrevokably bonded…to the perfection of the resurrection and the life of Jezus Christ nor the imperfectly perfect Torah, Talmud, Septuagint, The Law and The Prophets, the Epistles, the Revelation of and the Gospel of Jesus Christ…nor is the Father, nor the Son, nor the Spirit of Truth and Holy, is the Lamb that was slain ,and Perfectly Complete was the redeeming blood shed to satisfy a human miscarriage and boldly I will be sure of the salvation and faith of my heritage but never will I require it vainly nor in error that Christ failed to redeem ANYONE for the failure of man to accept our irrevokable eternal state of perfection in the eyes of That Source of ALL life in any dimension, any shape or form, as anyth8ng but that which perfectly accomplishes every conceivable and necessary part of THAT which created ONLY ITSELF AS ALL THAT WAS IMAGINABLE AND ALL THAT IS FROM WHICH BY DEDINITION CAN NOTHING AND HAS NOTHING EVER BEEN SEPERATE. EVRYTHING…IS EVERYTHING. YOU CANJ9T BE SEPERATE YOU CAN ONOY BELIEVE YOU ARE SEPERATE AND THAT IS PERFECTION AND THIS IS THE REMEDY THUS SAITH THE LORD, TO LET THIS SAME MIND BE IN YOU THAT WAS IN MY SON AND YOU CAN BELIEVE IT OR NOT BUT IF OTHERS BELIEVE IT BECAUSE YOU REQUIRE OR SOLICITED IT OR DEMANDED IT, GRACE DEFINES YOUR ONLY JOPE IN TH8S WORLD OR THE NEXT. GO TO THEM…REPENT…AND LEAVE THE HELL WE WERE SOLD AND BOUGHT FOR OUR FAMILY AND COUNTRYMEN, OUR ENEMIES, AND IDOLS AND DEITIES WHO EXIST ONLY IN YOUR EDUCATED MINDS FOR THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION TO USE AS IT HAS BEEN AND NEVER NEEDED TO BE THE ONLY REASON WE IN OUR LOFTY BELIEF IN BELIEF'S REDEMPTIVE POWER AND IGNORED ITS WICKED SACRIFICIAL GENOCIDE OF THE DELUSIONAL IMPERFECTION OF THOSE ABANDONED SPIRITUALLY DEFORMED HUMAN LIVES AND SOULS OUR FAITH … our human failure… gave us license to abandon and destroy and reject and condemn…as we swore on the Holy Bible it was the wipp of their Creator that they die in those… our…pits and prisons. Forgive us, Lord and direct us in our lost state and the error of foolish pride. We know not what we do.

  3. Thank you Bishop for being so raw and open I loved everything about this and especially at the beginning when emotions were felt though the screen. Godbless everyone, we are survivors and we have a savior who has endured it all for us Amen to the Father and the Son 🙏 🙌 ❤️

  4. If you're reading this, please pray for my friend Annie. She is a homeless, recovering addict. She has been through every type of pain you could imagine a person could go through. She has experienced loss, abuse, suicide attempts… And yet with Jesus, she has such a loving, strong heart. I have never met a woman like her. Please pray God will bring miracles into her life, and turn her situation around. I ask in Jesus name, Amen.

  5. Bread of life sent down from glory
    Many things you were on earth
    A Holy King, a carpenter
    You are the Living Word
    Bread of Heaven sent down from glory
    (Many things) Many things you were on earth
    A Holy King, a carpenter
    (You are the Living Word)
    sent down from glory
    (Many things) Many things you were on earth
    A Holy King, a carpenter
    (You are the Living Word)
    Awesome ruler (Awesome ruler), gentle Redeemer (gentle Redeemer)
    (God with us) God with us the Living Truth
    And what a friend we have in you
    You are the Living Word


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