What to Do with Your "Sexual Needs" as a Christian | Authentic Sexual Freedom | THEOLOGY OF THE BODY

What do we do with our sexual needs? As John Paul II says, “The very manner in which we conceive of our sexual desires must …


  1. Prayer is this the platitude given when you don't have an answer.
    Just pray harder! 10 minutes of rhetoric, and no really answer then the old go to, that's because everyone's desires are and drives are different,

  2. Well, the part in your brain called the hypothalamus aka the “survival center” controls 4 things: hunger, thirst, sleep and sex. Read that again so you understand how your God given BRAIN prioritizes sex. It’s up there with FOOD AND WATER AND SLEEP. Things you need everyday. Understanding the importance of sex and the role it plays in our lives is so important. Acting like it is something that shouldn’t have or indulge in would be to go against God’s design.

  3. I’m praying for God to heal this area of my life…I have had let’s say a lot of fun…but now God has lead me to what sex really truly which are 2 spirits that join during intercourse and therefore become married in the spirit world…and I’m really willing to abstain from sex until marriage…A life if casual sex is so damaging and destructive I know is a Life God wants to free each and everyone of us from.

  4. Wow, this really struck a chord with me. I do not love, or rather show love for my partner as I should, that is in accordance with his needs. For a very long time my line of reasoning was: "I guess there's something lacking here, he doesn't desire me as much as I him, I'm always the one initiating, I'm the one with all the lust, it's not fair!", and I would pout and sulk, sometimes mere hours after making love, and there he is, being the kindest of men, taking care of things. I'm such a doofus 💔 I will make sure to remedy this.

  5. How can I redirect/channel my sexual desires into a more biblical framework like my daily needs in the spirit such as praying and reading scripture. Also other things such as doing house work, and doing work? I don't want to be controlled by my sexual impulses like an animal.

    My end goal is that I want to channel these wrong desires into the way that God has designed sex for humanity. So more in the context of love, not a burning need to indulge in my compulsions.

    Been doing ok so far, been peeling back the layers of my compulsions. Currently am 38 days free of pornography, but I do get tempted at points to indulge. So overall, I want some suggestions in how I can channel my sexual desires/temptations to be in a way that I can become closer to God. Thanks for reading

  6. I mean. here we have a man who admits to sexual coersion in 4:04; but then teaches on sexual morality?
    Come on. Every man knows it: sex and desire is natural. But the Natural has to be brought into submission.

    And yet our reality clearly establishes that sexual urges cannot be fully conquered: and religious pretense
    leads inevitably to things like supposedly chaste priests in the church sexually abusing children or committing homosexual acts;
    insted of admitting their flesh-nature and dealing with it (relief, if necessary by a prostitute).

    Even Martin Luther realized than Faith has to be realistic when dealing with the flesh: and called for allowing divorce of unhappy political marriages
    and advocated remarriage, rather than living in lies and bitterness which lead to even greater sin.

  7. I bind myself and my godly-ordained spouse not to deprive one another of good sex in marriage, binding myself not to be unequally yoked with and have any common share with any man that is depriving me of good sex in marriage, in accordance with this word and 1 corinthians 7:6, hebrews 13:4, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 in the name and blood ofJesus Christ, amen and hallelujah! Thank you God!


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