What they WON’T tell you about the Joel Osteen Lakewood Church ATTACK… Christian Reaction! They DON’T want you to see …


    1. At the time I filmed this video earlier this morning, the sources I trust were reporting "biological female". Also, the medical examiner had reported a "biological female". I know the shooter is reported as "male" now but the point of the video remains the same and this proves the issue that tran ideology creates nothing but confusion.

    2. The Mainstream media is starting to report the tran part now but they have no choice! This is good because it shows that when we speak up, they can't get away with the indoctrination!

    3. May God bless you and keep you šŸ™šŸ» šŸ¤—

  2. The scripture you quoted applies to trump and his racist Evangelical supporters who are filled with hate and anger for Democrats, Liberals, educated people who DO NOT agree with them. They are brainwashed to believe lies from Faux news. The ones they hate look at them with sadness that they're so deceived and deluded in an alternate reality of lies and propaganda. They have not understood that Jesus wants HIS people to reflect compassion and love to others, not hate. The rest of us have outgrown religious dogma to a higher understanding of spirituality with Jesus.

  3. Another trans person goes on a potentially murderous spree. A side effect of male hormones when given to females makes them very angry and aggressive. The medical profession is responsible for this.

  4. These shooters Are used by Deeeep State NWO Soros Rothchilds Eleist to cause fear confusion divide our nation. Mp ultra mind control technique to create our government to kill people. They always kill them so no interagation
    ..maybe not this time but its been used for years and yesrs

  5. Here's the deal. The corruption of the church is our fault. We let it get that way by so many of us being involved in the prosperity gospel and giving money to those charlatans back in the day. It's because of all the splits of the church, from one to thousands of denominations… People making a church of their own ideas… We can't fix this, but GOD can.

  6. The media, politicians, civic leaders don't pray for these type of events to happen, they are behind these tragic events. These "events" are pre-planned by the powers-that-be. Why? To introduce gun control laws. To strip rightful gun owners for carrying firearms to defend themselves. How fitting, the gunman who came into Joel Osteen's church just so happen to have "Palestine" sticker on the gun. I guess they needed a scapegoat because the wicked elite know that most Christians support the state of Israel.

  7. There was so much bitterness against Joel Osteen in this your post that your sudden condemnation of the shooter felt like an afterthought. You should be praying for the Body in such a time as this and not gloating.
    I pray that the Holy Spirit will your bitter heart.

  8. Why is it that the mainstream media isnā€™t addressing how a person with violent criminal behavior, mental illness, transgender ideology, anti semantic rhetoric isnā€™t being addressed or presented? How did a criminal get a firearm? I could go on and on but Iā€™d be wasting my time keystroking for no reason. So many things not being presented. Sad and Iā€™m happy that it didnā€™t get worse than it could have been but we need to be aware that evil doers are the tool of the the devil and not the tool. Such a sad story and breaks my heart that the young child may not survive. Breaks my political beliefs as the narrative isnā€™t honesty being spread. The word of truth should always be spread. Hold nothing back! Hold nothing back for the weak to understand when they should stand and hold nothing back when the strong should continue to stand.

  9. Don't leave out those claiming to be followers of God, who are approving of this evil by waving their flags!

    The world is going to follow a debased mind by nature, but Paul is warning of wolves, who are claiming to be His, but never were!

  10. Regarding the references to Joel, thought I would take the time to write it. Maybe you can take the time to read it.

    Have you ever been to Lakewood? I have. I can tell you the worship is absolutely anointing and the Holy Spirit is present.
    Have you ever read the story of Saul chasing David? Recall when David was given the opportunity to kill Saul several times, he did not- citing "I will not touch the LORDs anointed." When he stole the items from Saul while he was sleeping, (even tho it wouldn't be such a big deal to the average person, bcuz he didn't kill him) David even repented bcuz he said he refused to touch the LORDs anointed. (God said David was after His own heart)
    David had been anointed as king 10 YEARS before he got to take the throne. He ran for his life from Saul! hid his wives and kids in another country from Saul. But when Saul died, David still mourned the loss of the Lords anointed.

    WHY? Bcuz once anointed, always anointed. David lived to please God. It doesn't matter HOW anointed someone is, (greatly or little) anointed is anointed.

    Unless you have visited Lakewood- You would think the church revolved around Joel's little tv message. It does NOT. Sunday school, as well as many many other biblically based classes (countless) is what the churxh revolves around. Sound bible doctrine in all classes.

    Therefore, basing an opinion on what Joel makes off the sales of his books only (they are all NY best-selling books) is not an entirely fair evaluation. Neither him, nor his wife have EVER taken a salary. The money they make on their stuff is theirs. The church, in no way, revolves around Joel.

    So now I will caution you to be aware, like it or not, Joel is anointed to do what he does and share Jesus in however big or little success one would deem. If you are Christian, you carry some type of an anointing. The Word of GOD says "touch NOT the Lords anointed, and do his prophets no harm.".

    If you pray, seek God, rrad His Word, and honesty seek to please Him, it is dangerous to come against the Lords anointing. Not because the person warns us, but because God Himself warns us. It is up to us to be obedient, and remember He keeps His Word about "Thou shalt NOT "

    It's just a lot easier to please God by being obedient, than risk His displeasure and chastisement- as He does keep His Own Word.
    ~Just Saying
    And now you have been given 2 places in the Bible that command us what not to do. If you still do it, it's on you. šŸ¤”šŸ¤—

  11. Thank you, Brylan, for letting us know the complete truth about this terrible incident. Your channel is a good place to go in these perilous and difficult times. May God bless and protect Christians wherever they may be found in this world.

  12. How about God not letting this happen?!! why is it always We donā€™t understand what God is doing? when he couldā€™ve easily prevented this šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø

  13. Just as the Nashville Christian church school massacre perpetrator was defended by radically insane activists and "protected" by the city, this appears to be going the same way. How tragic for everyone.

  14. During the initial reporting, all the news agencies stated that it was a woman with a "long gun." Interesting description. It also shows that they get all their information from one source and broadcast it out. We call that Mainstream Media Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO).

    How many transgender, non-binary and LGBTQ attacks and attempted mass casualties does this make to date?

  15. They will still find a way to wiggle around the fact that it was two officers that they will say should be the only one allowed to have guns. Wasnt just two ordinary ol dudes with guns. Dont get me wrong, glad to see it was put to an end, but there will be a twist where it would have been different had it been bud and joe blasting the evil.

  16. This is what happens to a world that loves not the truth. The Most High bears long and calls us all to repent. Seek Him while He may yet be found family. I pray for that little boy. Be blessed, brothers and sisters šŸ™

  17. Good Grief… I cant belief people are critizing Osteen!!! A photo op??? He's the pastor. Members were still in the church…family members were separated and who knows how this impacted him.

    None of us knows how we would react in this kind of situation. NONE Of US!!!!!

    So stop with the critical comments and pray for him, the church and all those involved.

  18. But the msm is saying that the shĆøĆøter'z motive is "unknown."
    There is so much about this report that is not right.
    Thank God for those security officers.
    Prayers for all those affected, including the father of that child. What heartbreak.

  19. Excellent journalism, Bryan! Vipers! Think also, they couldn't dare admit her Hispanic race because immediately the American public would go intensely off the chain screaming ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!! And the morally superiors that are the SJW's might become off track having a car flipping case of classic pandemonium! "Okay, she was white people, nothing to see here, move along!" That's a major distraction psyop 101 any of their woke herd, drifting drifting off too far from the other steeple! Besides, November is their goal and that is, allowing immigrants the right to vote with a special poll for Spanish speaking illegals to pledge their allegiance to vote blue no matter who in legions to catapult the spike for the left and by any means necessary!


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