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  1. This teenager is still a minor, therefore the parents must being giving authority for his daily exploitation. Could this constant 24 hour news blitz be intended to influence the results of one parents legal issues. The childhood stories are repeated with nothing new, year after year. Only the photos change and the public is not blind. Bless this child.

  2. I find it interesting that D.C. was placed in the state of Washington in the graphic (2:23 point in the video), It just kind of makes me wonder how accurate the rest of the video is. Barron has for sure had an interesting upbringing, and I wish him well.

  3. I pity Barron Trump. If Melania has any sense she will get away from Donald and take Barron with her as FAR AWAY as she can. But I have a feeling she is kept prisoner. And threatened with death if she tries to divorce and get away. Run away in the night with Barron, Melania, while Trump is away campaigning like an idiot who is a BIG LOSER. A man of no ethical character whatsoever!!!!! Barron should take the looks of his handsome mother and father and run as far away as possible. She is a bought, sexpot, and Trump is an insanely sadistic egomaniac of a narcissist!!! Run Barron RUN!!!!!!

  4. That's what weak people do. They go after people's children. And they don't have anything else to say. Leave Congress, people's families, and children alone. Leave them out of the situation how you fear.

  5. Your question at the end was “What FACT surprised me the most?” Well, it isn’t a fact but what surprise me the most, after all the knowledge you’re displaying about Barron, was the not knowing where Washington D.C. is located lol. I’d check my map again if I were you. Not trying to be mean. It’s just that this was a nice video and I’m sure you’d want it to be totally accurate.

  6. This is all over X Twitter
    When Q says wait until you find who you've been talking to he really means it.
    Barron Trumps mother is Lady Diana and she is a Kennedy.
    There is no Donald Trump that was just part of the movie. So is the President really
    J F Kennedy?

  7. What's disgusting is people just cannot manage their own family, and stay out of business of what other families do. Who cares what it cost to send one's child to any school, is that anyone elses business. Take care of your own rice patty, and stay out of others crops.

  8. TRUMPIE AND DAHMAR were caught stalking me and my family and this time I remembered that he called me all these names and called me his lil len len on and he saw me walking to Ithaca and the. He saw me on the news and then he mentioned about my son in Pa and I was working on busting out crimminals like hotshots is dahmar and then he showed up in Augusta GA and then rest area and weirdest thing is I was married to a another dahmar and he didn't care about my grandsons birth

  9. A husband and wife live in unity so they can produce a " godly seed" that is children who live and obey God, who can be used in God's mission to bring redemption to a lost world. That's my prayers for this beautiful family ?


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