What just happened in New Zealand ??? Biblical Events part 35

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  1. God keep you both safe,your videos show the whole story instead of what the media is ALLOWED to show.Satan attacks us believers on a daily basis but your faith and the full armour of GOD is all you truly need to gain victory.I love you all great and small and believe me when I say our king is coming for his church anytime now…❤❤❤

  2. Things will get far worse as the poles move until they snap back. After they snap we'll have a crustal displacement. We're close now, the weather tells us that much. Stay safe stay vigilant everyone, God bless..

  3. These are just the natural disasters, these guys don't even get into the man-made disasters. So much going on these days, stay close to God. Thank you for all the updates throughout the years, we wouldn't even have heard of them without you two!

  4. Jesus warned us of great tribulations such as these in the last days. He had to face great tribulations too…which he did to show that Resurrection is with us, as a back-up plan, for those who have put their faith in him, and his Father. The pity is that we each have an indestructible spirit…but not not every one can enjoy the full benefits it offers. Best to sincerely repent, and hope we are acceptable for our Deities salvation plan.

  5. Father please grant salvation to our unsaved loved ones and all the unsaved. Deliver those in bondage. Protect us and our loved ones. Guide us Father and us to bear good fruit and plenty of it. Its been so tough lately for so many. So many enemy attacks but you said in your word that the battle belongs to the Lord. Please rise up Lord. We need you. Father please send the Holy Spirit for Jesus' sake. Praise and glory and honor be unto you. I pray in your holy name Lord Jesus. Amen


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