1. kids should not be raised in religion. itโ€™s an adult topic and i hate that religious people go out of their way to target the most vulnerable and gullible groups.

    just leave the kids alone

  2. Me a Christian who watched Harry potter and celebrated Halloween ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ
    Checked w my parents and my dad said Halloween was something he loved so thatโ€™s why we celebrated it.

  3. I can relate ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Honestly christian halloween is more fun than other halloween
    Christian halloween we dress up and go to the church trunk or treat and for our church we have some fun halloween parties and stuff
    Much more fun than others and you don't have the inappropriate costumes either so it's a win win

  4. I really wish I was raised in a Christian home. Instead, Iโ€™m raised in a family with a mother who doesnโ€™t want to listen to me about Jesus. Iโ€™m constantly worried about my family not going to heaven with me.

  5. I was raised in a Christian Home, and still am. My parents are all good with Harry Potter. Spongebob. But certain types of films were banned mostly certain types of horror. Not all. Like if it was definitely satanic then that was No. But if it's more along the lines of Sci-Fi Horror or thriller slasher films then all good. Not too strict, but my parents did ban and still do ban drugs and alcohol. All good, don't want any of that anyway. and swearing. But they're all good with most films and TV-Shows but they warned me to be careful with what exactly I watch.


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