This is from our series Youth Leader Training. This training series is intended to train people at your church to serve as mentors …


  1. "What Is the Purpose of Youth Group"? There's nothing in the words Youth and Group that remotely suggest Christianity. You can have an atheist youth group, a secular youth group or a youth group united by some other common bond. And they'd all fulfill their purpose because they are youths who get to gether as a group.

  2. While I don't doubt the sincerity of this video, I have to say that the Matthew 28:19-20 is a mandate for the church as a whole, so why would you separate the teens in their own sub-group to do this? I think discipleship should be the goal, but does a youth pastor or leader, along with "events, parties, activities, retreats, etc." do the job for our teens. Ask most teens about youth groups and they will probably mention those events more than the teaching and application. And of course, the money that goes into youth pastors and ministries is pretty lucrative, so why would you want to give it up though I don't see youth pastor as a specific office of the church. I'm not trying to knock the sincerity or commitment of youth pastors or leaders, but they're actually doing the very thing you say you don't want to happen; leave out the parents.

    The Bible clearly shows that children and/or youth should be get their main discipleship from their parents (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Proverbs 1:8, 22:6, Ephesians 6:1-4, Colossians 3:20-21). While it is find to come along side them, at the 7:57 mark of this video, it is insinuated that once the child is a teen, they need outside help from the discipleship of their parents because things "change." Does this mean that as soon as a kid gets a teen at the end of his age he or she will not be able to relate to their parents in the manner of discipleship? And how about being able to articulate the gospel or the teaching of the Word of God in order that the discipleship is practical? Does the youth leader even know how to rightly handle the Word through proper study (2 Timothy 2:15)? And while small groups are fine, true discipleship comes from dealing with life experiences seen through a Biblical worldview. Can a youth leader or pastor walk with a teenager in his every day struggles better than the parent?

    I'm not trying to be mean here, just examining the youth group culture based on this and so many videos. It seems fluffy and not serious enough. I have a 11 year old daughter and 14 year old son who go to youth service from time to time, but to be honest, my wife and I like them to sit under the pastor's teaching (because most teens aren't being taught by the pastor or elders in the main service more than a few times a year). And I personally catechize my children so they understand the basics of their faith; who is God; what are His attributes; what sin is; who Jesus is and why He had to die on the cross; and many other essential things. And no offense, in this very secular world where they will hear philosophies and vain deceit (which Colossians 2:8 warns against), will the light teachings of some youth group counter the tough questions and consistent secular indoctrination they face at school and college? I find that teen on teen small groups or even the youth pastor/leader is consistent enough to help in many of these areas without the parents being involved all the time. And how does youth groups or ministries come alongside the parent when it is taking the parent's place in corporate worship (where they are not even with the parents) and have no concrete plan to equip the parent to disciple their children as the main source of discipleship when they want to be the main source? Some things to ponder.

  3. I’ve been a youth intern at my church for 5 years now I’m 20 and i do agree 100% you have to guide them to be leaders heads not tails above not under leaders not followers etc but if you are going into ministry in any capacity i recommend you know the “why?” Behind it and for youth help them be Christ followers not just Christians

  4. Hi Scott… can you elaborate, or point me to something that shows how you structure your small groups? Do you meet on different nights with different groups? Break them up at a general meeting? etc..

  5. That might tbe your goal but… a youth group doesn't have to be Christian. There are secular youth groups as well. These can be great experiences focusing on healthy physical activities and socializing skills. All valuable experiences free of Christian indoctrination.

  6. Comments for believers audience only. Non-believers, you just need to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour first, say amen in Jesus name, then you will understand later on. Comments are here: Holistic development of christian youths needs to be key focus. That means, to train them using scripture applications on virtues of services, helping the weak, overcoming obstacles, developing good character, building faith, including discipleship to be good examples of the community giving glory to Jesus. At this stage, building strong youth foundation in character and prudence is key to their success and will strengthen the local churches they serve in. Without a strong foundations, Youth Christian burnt out pretty fast in ministries. Small group gathering, Christian retreats, training sessions, fun fellowship, community reachout are ways that help develop youths strengths and character when they participate and play a part of it. The great commission was spoken to full grown man disciples first, of course there is a place to train youth on disciples, just that the priority weight at each different stages. Ministries need to set up priorities, at different stages from a child, a youth, a young adult, mature adults on the emphasis on christian values development and activities trying to encourage. This is a balance approach.

  7. I am from sri lanka and i am 19 years old..I got the youth leadership in our church. But there is no idea or experience about it. This video helped me a lot to improve my leadership skills… thank you very much and god bless you..

  8. I would like to take the Youth ministry with alignment ministry that go well together. There's no leader plzs pray for me. If it's God's will he chooses me so far no one else wants to take it

  9. Thank you for this , i’m in youth ministry training and Tomorrow i start official internship. I thank God their are people like you out there giving us deeper understanding of the main goal and roles we play as YM & YM in training !😊

  10. I wish you wouldn’t add the words “making disciples”. It says to go and “Teach”. It’s up to them to listen and become disciples. You do the job and don’t take credit by “making” anything.


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