Steve assembled a group of diverse women to talk about relationships and dating. Two women asked how they could find men …


  1. Liked "Why do you still talk to guys that don't do what they say they're going to do". 😭 I started blocking too! Lmfao at myself!! The things we realize when we start to get over someone, and snap out of it. Block early on, so your emotions don't start getting meddled with, because it takes a long time to get over our own ego and insecurities.

  2. If I see a girl and trash is all over her vehicle I won't date her. Need to hold yourself accountable. You can't change other people. You can change yourself. You can start by picking up all that trash in your car.

  3. Ladies do your research if you want to understand a man. Men are not fixers, we are builders just like in all the religions book. The Old Testament clearly says, GOD created & Adam named the families. Noah built the arc, Abram/Abraham built 3 times, Solomon built the temple, Hezekiah rebuilt, and the New Testament speaks on saving or rebuilding. GOD created the Steve Harvey Show but HE built it through Steve. There was no Steve Harvey Show before Steve to rebuild but there were other great shows like his. The men many of these women desire don't want ex's drama, children that are not their's, debt, parents interfering, families that don't except them because they would rather judge than get themselves together. These men already had a plan, not mistake free, but they surely are not looking to fit into some one else's plan. They make a plan not fix them. Believe it are not, many men felt that way in high school, he just was not your type. You didn't see what he could be just like adults. Just a little something to think about from a not show host, male. Enjoy.

  4. I dumped a guy who consistently md excuses for not following thru.

    He was hours late for our valentines date & everything was closed except fast food.

    He handed me a small box of drugstore chocolates & I spotted a huge box on the back seat.

    Of course I asked who's that for? He said, "My mom."

    Reasonable answer til mothers day when he was overly friendly with his eldest brother's wife & she smirked when his mom asked when we were setting a date.

    Let me digress. His mom forced me to give him my number months earlier at her middle son's engagement party.

    Mom tried to sell this low life to me.

  5. Thats good advice. I do want to point out that its not even for dating. Friendships need that much value as well. Things happen, I get it but they need to communicate this with you.


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