What happened to Benny Hinn when He touched Benson Idahosa’s head – Apostle Joshua Selman Please SUBSCRIBE: …


  1. Talk about the anointed, you touch the anointed and that's the end for you. You know what? I hate when preachers make themselves look like they're God's favorite and they are not!
    It's a spirit of lies, with a reprobates mind, they believe a lie, a false teaching, false doctrine!
    They preach and fear xes over the people ,Oh! Don't touch God's anointed… What a fake! Then placing hands on someone as if they had the authority to place the anointing on someone. Only the holy spirit of God can do that! Only the spirit of the lord can chose a man to tell another man I'm going to pray for you to recieve the holy spirit. Lies ,lies and.more lies, when will these preachers learn that the lord always and always will chose his people over one man. Never one over God's people.

  2. What a heresy truly !! So sad that people mess up with true Gospel of Jesus is only anointed and and Savior !! And we are in Jesus and we are anointed in Him and through Him! He is the Alpha and Omega and healer and the word of God ! Through Him is everything began and will finish!! To Him I am obedient and faithful! And yes I love and respect any child and man of God in Jesus and through Jesus who point on Jesus and only Jesus!! And Not on himself!
    Because all the Glory is to Jesus !

  3. I saw Benson Idahosa in the Netherlands in the Come and See church, a woman attacked him but nothing happened, he had to push her off of him physically. Proof that he is a liar and a fabricator of non existing stories. Anyways he is gone now. Died suddenly in his home bedroom at 63. Telling his visitors he was very tired.

  4. Does the whole bible i mean all scriptures everywhere talk about sin and brokenness? Don't try to be clever in you own eyes. It's just a 5 minute clip that was got from the whole sermon, just to emphasize on something. Don't be in a rush to judge what you don't understand, your ignorance can't be taken as an excuse, if you want to know more about Benson,ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what kind of person he was. The problem will this generation is when we read the whole scriptures and listen to a few sermons we think we have already got some where, it's just more than that, use the Holy spirit to explain to you things you don't understand rather than using your own understanding to discern the thing of God. Be blessed

  5. False prophets like Benson Idahosa and Benny Hinn will burn in the hottest parts of hell for misleading people with their man made prosperity gospel which encourages believers to live their best materialistic life on earth now. The second coming of Christ is not preached, people are no longer encouraged to be content with what God has blessed them with. Benny Hinn and These other called prosperity gospel pimps will be the first to take the mark of the beast described in the 13th chapter of the book of revelation because they have been inundated with the spirit materialism from their god- the god of mammon. Beware of These devil inspired men and their humanistic centred doctrine. Remember that Lucifer is the father of ambition and lust and that was why he was cast out of Heaven for desiring to be like the Most High. Apostle Peter called Lucifer the god of this world. He controls the money system and governments of this world and his servants preach the gospel of prosperity and man centred doctrines based on ambition—wanting more and more money and material possessions which no man can take with him to the afterlife. He who has an ear let him hear this truth

  6. Almost all of this so-called "Fire 🔥 Conferences" are FAKES…filled with demonic spirits that howl like pigs, dogs, chickens and I'm specifically APPALLED by that witching time called the "HOLY LAUGHTER"!! I call that the EPIC manifestation of the presence of SATAN and all THE WITCHES of ENDOR!!!👹👹👹👺👺👺👽👽👽👻👻👻

  7. Benny hen is the false prophet however God does bless the godly and the ungodly so if you’re seeing miracles within it’s because of God not because of Benny hen he has no power it is gods will Benihana’s false prophet he’s anybody use filthy rich and preaches the word of God is a false prophet that money should go to the poor there should not be one poor person on earth


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