What God told Daniel Kolenda when he didn’t have time to Pray before speaking to 500,000 people

What God told Daniel Kolenda when he didn’t have time to Pray before speaking to 500k people

It is easy to get caught in the trap that God can only move through us when we do certain things. Daniel Kolenda, President and CEO of Christ for the Nations shares how he had this experience before he had to speak one time. It is a great reminder that God can work through us despite us and our actions.

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Daniel shares how he had been on a long flight, and he was tired. He needed to rest, so he took a nap and planned to get up before the meeting to spend time in prayer. He gets woken up by someone pounding on the door saying that the meeting had already started, and he realized he had slept in. On the drive to the meeting, he shares his experience. “I felt anything but spiritual. I remember just praying, and I said Lord I am sorry, I am about to go speak to half a million people and I haven’t even prayed. And I felt the Lord say to me, ‘do not worry, I am not going to hold myself back because of you.’”

Daniel continues, “Here’s what makes the story unique from my perspective. When I went out there on the platform…announcements were going on…suddenly I hear this explosion of sound in the audience.” He says that he knows the sound because when someone gets healed everyone around the person gets excited. “I heard that sound during the announcements, and I looked, and a wheelchair went up in the air.” That was a first for someone to get healed in the announcements and then it happened again! Someone else was healed. The healings just kept happening. Daniel says that hundreds of miracles started happening in the crowd. The crowd was so loud because of the excitement that they couldn’t hear the man making the announcements anymore. “The fear of God came over me…without any music, without anyone praying there were miracles all over the place. I learned something that day about the miraculous…we all know that it is not about us, we all know we don’t make miracles. But I think that sometimes the Lord just has to show us that not only do we not make them but sometimes He does them despite us. I think that is one of the most powerful revelations that you can have in healing ministry.”

We can all take this wisdom from Daniel and know that no matter how God uses us, He can do it all without us, but He chooses to use us because He loves us! Because of this, it is important to always walk in the fear of the Lord and humility. It is God who draws people to Himself through us. Do you have a story like what Daniel shared or have you been healed? We want to hear about it! Write to us at Friends@VFNKB.com. Greg and John shared in this segment.

#VFNKB #FaithMountain #VFNtv

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:08:40. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. “Don’t worry. I am not going to hold myself back because of you”. Everyday is a reminder of this, that God is the Initiator, not because we prayed or fasted well.

  2. In 1994 I was studying at the Elim Bible College in
    Nantwich, England.

    Along with a few fellow students, I went to a big
    gathering where Reinhard was ministering. At the end of his sermon, as he was
    about to leave the building, I made my way in the crowd. My friends followed. I
    knew I probably would never have the opportunity to meet Bonnke again. We
    spotted him at the end of a corridor. A car was waiting for him. We asked to
    see him. He came over.

    ” We’ve come from Elim Bible College in Nantwich”
    I said to Bonnke. (It was that same College that declined Reinhard’s
    application decades ago. His level of English was insufficient. If only those
    back, then could see what the young man with a strong German accent would

    I will never forget what happened next: Bonnke put his
    big Bible aside and laid his hands on the 4 or 5 of us. He prayed with such

    We drove back to the Bible school that night with a
    new passion to preach the Gospel. That was 25 years ago. I will never forget.

    Yesterday, I was not be standing in front of masses in
    Africa but in front of 150 students from a Catholic school in Dunkerque,
    Northern France.

    I, however preached the very same Gospel. The Good
    News that still changes lives, in France, in Africa, in Asia, everywhere.

    Timothée Paton – December 11th, 2019

    • Very very powerful, may your obedience to the assignment of our Fathers Kingdom bring forth fruits to your life and the life of others, May our Father of all our great fore fathers: Prophets & Generals expand your territories even as you labor in His Vine Yard. In Jesus Mighty and Matchless name I do declare and decree… Amen!

  3. Amazing and i was just thinking that my time with God is not at all sufficient and how he will give me breakthrough….this message told me very clearly that its not coz of my prayers or any good works….its all bcoz of Him and his mercy am going to have biggest breakthrough im my life which i never ever imagined in my life. And this will draw millions of people unto my Saviour.
    Love u Jesus …Thank u Jesus for who u r in my life 😗

  4. Haha!😂😂😂👏👏👏,I love our God!,we should know that he is able nd I’m glad he treated the preacher like this.I love it and he showed me another version of himself that I didn’t know.wow!,I’m really flabbergasted!

  5. Thank you Evangelist Kolenda.I have been greatly assisted by your testimony.Sometimes we think we move God by our prayers.Really God does what he has planned alreday. We are just vessels and stewards.

  6. And this came up on my posts as I was feeling sorry for myself, having hardly prayed at all for almost four months. I fell under that treacherous lie, that your prayers are not effective, and that you are unable to reign yourself in.

    With mankind, things are doubtful, but God never fails, never ceases to provide. Thank you for this word.

  7. I’m in amazement about our Great GOD, and I would love to share this testimony with many, but then the ” selling of books” shouldn’t be in it.

    • They need to sell books. See they even given them away.. The money from the books is so they can print more and get the message out to as many people as possible. Good stwerdship of what we have requires God’s wisdom. It would be unwise to print millions of books ‘for free’ though miracles of such can surely happen if God chooses to do it that way…. I find it odd when people criticize ministries for having books to sell… . Jesus himself said in Revelations, come buy from me… He’s talking about spiritual food of God’s word. When we sow money into buying teaching we are honouring God with what we have. Money is like a seed to be sown and invested into Kingdom things….


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