Are you seeking purpose in your life? Jesus offers us a spiritual rebirth that opens our eyes to the Kingdom of God. Listen to this …


  1. I want to be saved, I know how to be saved but I don't want my heart to get hard and it pass me by. Jesus I ask that you forgive me for my sins and send the Holy Spirit dwell in me forever in Jesus' name. I pray, and I thank you, amen❤❤❤

  2. I wish I could somehow live with the conviction and certainty that I see in born-again Christians. However, I believe Christianity is part of a puzzle we have access to, in regards to our eternal existence or lack thereof, and I feel like I need the final answers, not the ones from the study guide.

  3. I was born again 63 years ago when Jesus saved me. It's always hard to describe being born again to people but I would explain it the best way I can by saying it will make you brand new. You will be brand new and feel brand new and you won't believe the peace that covers you.

  4. Billy Graham's sermons are what first started my journey to Christ. I have struggled with severe PTSD and other severe mental health problems. Now I go to church, I pray multiple times a day, I read the Bible and I repent for my sins daily. I no longer am having problems with my mental health anymore and in fact I'm starting college in January to study science. All the praise to God for it's His glory that has cured me from the bondage.

  5. I have crucified my flesh , heart the Whispers of the holy spirit , saved and born again by his mercy and grace 🙏🏽🛐📖✝️🕊️🕯️I don't understand many things but I accept it by faith and trust that he is in control!
    thank you lord Jesus 💖🌺👞👔💼🏓

  6. To anyone reading this, I want you to know, and to prove to you, that God exists and that you are a miracle.

    The chances of you being born is statistically impossible. Throughout the history of the human race, in every step of your lineage, the probability of the right sperm meeting the right egg such that the exact right ancestor would be created that would end up creating you, is one in 400 quadrillion. Every single one of those ancestors would also have to survive the thousands of years to keep reproducing until you were born. The odds in a scientific study that was conducted describe the chances of you being born like this:

    It's the probability of 2.5 million people getting together — about the population of San Diego — each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. They each roll the dice — and they all come up the exact same number — say, 550,343,279,001.

    The only way these odds are possible to win is because God put you here for a reason. I want you to live life, knowing and feeling like that miracle. God loves you and is the reason you are here, don't ever forget that. The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5:
    Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

    God bless all of you wonderful miracles of God.

  7. "…Declare how much God( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven) has done for you(😊❤)." And went away, proclaiming😊❤ throughout😊❤ the whole city❤ how much Jesus(😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior in Christ❤😊) had done❤ for him😊❤."( Luke 8:38b -39 ESV Study Bible in Christ❤😊)


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