Wesley: A Heart Transformed Can Change the World | Full Movie | Burgess Jenkins | R Keith Harris

Watch Wesley: A Heart Transformed Can Change the World Full Movie on Vision Video Step into eighteenth-century England and …


  1. I know of a dearly loved old Christian whose heart loved the Lord above all else. He couldn't talk well, but he could grow lovely flowers. In the eyes of the congregation and the Christian world for that matter he never won thousands, nor did he begin a Christian denomination.

    He was a simple man and wasn't highly educated, but he transformed the small world of believers who walked past his flower beds that lined the undercover path that led to the church.
    The colour and fragrance lifted our hearts to the Lord before worship. The world he changed was very small, possibly just a dozen or maybe twenty brothers and sisters in the Lord .
    He never saw that impact, he was just obedient to His Lord's call on His life.

    I will never forget Jack, and for all of my life I have used him as an inspiration of obedience to our Lord, even when we don't see the results of that work with our eyes. Royce.

  2. Excellent, excellent film!!! Produced by wonderful brothers & sisters-in-Christ!!! I had seen this before, but I think I slept through a lot of movie!!! This time I was wide awake basically!!! I am so happy to really learn about John Wesley & his ministry & the Church of England & the Methodist Church, etc.!!!!! He was definitely a saint!!! And brought many to Christ!!!! Thank Thee, Father in Heaven for sending Bro. Wesley to this earth!!! I was raised in the Episcopal Church…am now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…thank you one & all that helped with this film!!!

  3. John Westley a man of great faith a man who died long ago but he is still speaking his life is one of a great example to many who are on the same path he walked a man who travelled so far and wide to preach the Gospel

  4. Halfway thru the movie I can relate with him so much. I wish those who went before us would've taught us we don't have to struggle with this. That we can pray in the spirit and holy spirit will pray God's will for us. That in that his specific will for our lives can be implanted in our minds and holy spirit can speak to confirm it and we CAN know his will for our lives. It's not a mystery.

  5. And even more awesome is John's path to change a generation is the same path I'm on. And literally the scripture holy spirit spoke to me this morning to use in response to a fellow believer is the SAME scripture John quoted at the end!!! And I watched this movie tonight. Can't make this up!

  6. I avoided watching this thinking I'd seen it, & 🤷‍♀️ I had not seen THIS wonderful Telling of John Wesley's beginnings.
    Bravo to those who created this Movie, those who well portrayed the many Characters, & my gratitude to whomever posted this blessing we Viewers;
    Most of all I TG for His loving wisdom & grace to touch our Hearts throughout All Time 📖

  7. Peace? Repents to Holy Bible 66 books; ( Rev.22:20+21) He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, LORD JESUS. THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS be with God's people.Amen."Peace? Prays Jesus Chrsit 2022?

  8. How beautiful ❤Salvation is by Faith in Christ alone, He fills us with His Spirit when we repent believe and place our faith in Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world and we are born again. We become His children and joint heirs with Christ by the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out “Abba Father”! Then we are buried with Jesus through baptism in His Name into His death and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Praise God! (See John 3:3-17; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 8; Romans 10:8-11; Acts 2:38;) God bless you

  9. That was brilliant. Amazing attention to historical details. Spoiled only by the communist tainted term 'social justice' at the end. I know it wasn't referring to the leftist methodology to destroy western civilisation but still…. It spoiled the feel good factor at the end.

  10. John Wesley history
    1. His country birth is at Epworth England
    2. Born on 17th June (Old style) or 28th June 1703-Depends on which calendar is he using
    3. In 1709 the house was on fire and John Wesley was stuck inside the house, so the 2 people came to rescue John Wesley out of the house
    4. John Wesley is the number 15 of the family
    5. He venture USA to become a missionary
    6. Older brother is Samuel Wesley (Sammy)
    7. Younger brother is Charles Wesley
    8. Nickname is Jacky
    9. He study in Oxford in 1733 and graduate in 1735
    10. He depart from England in the ship in 1735
    11. In 1736 Charles Wesley left Georgia for England, leaving John to take over his duties till his replacement arrived
    12. In 1737 he left Georgia USA and never to return or seen again
    13. In 1738 he came back to London
    14. In 1739 he went to the new room at Bristol to build a church and name it as Methodist
    15. He ride a horse and travel 250,000 miles
    16. He wrote a book of medical as Primitive Physics
    17. Susanna Wesley (Mother), Grace Murray (Love Interest), Molly Vazeille (Married)
    18. John and Grace relationship fall apart it's because of assist brother's fault
    19. He is married and no children of his own, he has 6 step children
    20. He was thrown out of the Church of England and preach with inexcusable word
    21. He preach outside at St Andrew Church in Epworth to stand up his father's tomb
    22. In 1743 at night the people came with the torch to attack John Wesley, but they threw a stone at the house to get rid of John Wesley. So Rev John Wesley said 'What evil things I do wrong, have you work yourself together. And that it's a lie' So one people let him go.
    23. In 1740 Mr William Seward preach the lord's prayer and he was attack by those thugs and died in a wound
    24. Samuel Wesley (Sammy) died in 1739
    25. In 1778 both Molly and John went separate way
    26. In 1781 Molly Vazeille passed away
    27. He did not attend his wife funeral
    28. In 1790 at city road Chapel, John Wesley had become an old age man, he was all alone
    29. George Whitefield died in 1770, Charles Wesley died in 1788 and on 24th February 1791 he wrote the last letter
    30. On 2nd March 1791 John Wesley said the last word 'The best of all is. God is with us now. Farewell

  11. Several years ago on Christmas weekend my son bought this dvd. We both love Christian history. Praise be to GOD who gives us HIS LOVE in JESUS name. Grace is GOD'S Gift at JESUS expense. The Mennonites are more saved then John Wesley until he repented and asked JESUS into his heart.
    John puts man made rules and works in his life until his heart is changed by JESUS.

  12. A lot of these movies I don’t agree with, some I do, but they are all a good way to learn about our history. You shouldn’t have to agree with everyone you listen to either. That’s a common myth that is destroying our civil discourse these days.


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