Absolutely beautiful..The Greatest love this world has ever known is the Savior of my soul and lover of my heart..Our soon coming Bridegroom Jesus Christ ❤ A movie made in heaven ❤ me and our Faithful Loving Jesus Christ ❤
I want to be a real Christian, not just in name. What's the point of calling myself a Christian while I go against the Word and bring reproach to the name of Christ?
Men hate women doing men's job like preaching yet many leave the job of being a daddy to mums while they run off…..with another chick, leaving his kids with her!
I love this movie!! Thank you!
Thank you for the movie i really like it ???
Absolutely beautiful..The Greatest love this world has ever known is the Savior of my soul and lover of my heart..Our soon coming Bridegroom Jesus Christ ❤ A movie made in heaven ❤ me and our Faithful Loving Jesus Christ ❤
I want to be a real Christian, not just in name. What's the point of calling myself a Christian while I go against the Word and bring reproach to the name of Christ?
Brad Stine great
Men hate women doing men's job like preaching yet many leave the job of being a daddy to mums while they run off…..with another chick, leaving his kids with her!