Welcome to the Christian Movies YouTube channel! We’ve got some great movies directed and produced by Rich Christiano and …


  1. Thanks so much Rich(& Dave), for producing these movies & creating this YT channel to be able to watch Godly, refreshing content from the comfort of our homes.

    I've been praying for my much cherished & lovely, but not yet born again elderly mother, for opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work thru' me & by any means He sees fit, to reconfirm the Gospel message & convict her that she must trust alone in Christ & His finished work on the cross & not in her own loving gestures & law abiding earthly citizenship.

    We've watched 2 of your movies so far, one fictional & the other based on actual people & events, & I can't wait to watch more with her & discuss the biblical truths that are presented within the films.

    Thankyou sincerely Christiano Bros,
    to God be the glory, Deb 🇦🇺

  2. These ads have lesbians in them. But since the comments are turned off on 7th street we can’t notify you on it.
    Edit: As an ex lesbian that is something I try my best to avoid.

    Edit again: truth be told I’d still rather watch this channel than the filth on tv. At least sin isn’t consistently forced down my throat. It makes a huge difference.


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