For a limited time on YouTube ONLY, check out the full movie of Play the Flute, only on Christian Movies.


  1. Great,looking forward to it👍 If you could also show the film,red runs the river’,based on the Christian testimony of general Ewell,that would b fantastic. I would really like to see that movie as I used to b an American civil war reenactor at the Ulster American folk park near Omagh,Northern Ireland.Every blessing in Christ🙂

  2. Excellent movie!

    “The law of the LORD is perfect,
    refreshing the soul.
    The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
    making wise the simple.
    The precepts of the LORD are right,
    giving joy to the heart.
    The commands of the LORD are radiant,
    giving light to the eyes.
    The fear of the LORD is pure,
    enduring forever.
    The decrees of the LORD are firm,
    and all of them are righteous.
    They are more precious than gold,
    than much pure gold;
    they are sweeter than honey,
    than honey from the honeycomb.

    By them your servant is warned;

    in keeping them there is great reward.”

    ‭‭-Psalms‬ ‭19: 7-11‬

  3. Hey Rich how much white claw do you drink on a daily basis? Are you trying to promote alcoholics to start drinking? You want us to “listen to your adds” but every add you have is alcohol promotion. You have control over your ads what is wrong with you?

  4. | Play the Flute is a very Good, God Honoring Movie. Thank you for all you do to source & share thoughtful, heartfelt uplifting movies like this with us all. May God Bless the Works of Your Hands & Heart.

  5. I think God can provide money for you without people need to watch ads that has nothing to do with God. Gaming is demonic and those are mainly the ads that comes up, I even got a gaming ad when I tapped this video.

  6. Watched Play the Flute 2 days ago. It is FABULOUS! I love in Indianapolis, Indiana and have had interactions with Gary Varvel's son, Brett, the lead actor. They are a very loving, Christian family! And I will watch anything they are involved with. Rich I am subscribed and had watched The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry and a few days earlier. I was pleased when Mr. Sperry's teachings were mentioned in Play the Flute! Thank you SO MUCH for your dedication and God Bless you and the United States of America!💝🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🏆

  7. I watched the movie today and loved it, very good, would love to see more Christian movies like it, sorry but I am on a fixed income and can’t buy them, I can only see them on YouTube, thank you, God bless you


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