We must BOYCOTT this company… Reaction from a Christian Perspective! John MacArthur CALLS OUT 2 Christian Leaders by …


  1. Dang i was just in target the other day and i saw some pride stuff, nothing like this. I said to my mom we cant shop at target for at least now through June but dang i dont know if I'll ever go back now.
    I was also shocked a couple weeks ago going through ross looking for tanktops for my toddler for summer, there was tons of pink shirts, rainbow dinosaurs, pink suspenders, pink bow ties all in the boys department. It was sickening! Once again with my mom, she said they're trying to gay up all the kids and i responded obviously its not working because it's all still HERE.
    Lots of stores and brands on my boycott list, i find it easier and cheaper to shop at second hand stores nowadays.

  2. My heart is sad I work for target in the distribution warehouse 😢i really like my job loading boxes to the trucks but now I must look for another job I like my hours my pay and my boss please pray that I find another job of same value please and thank you

  3. Brylan, I truly respect you and am so grateful for you taking the time to put this content together. I actually saw this on another Christian channel but I’m in complete agreement with you. This is just evil. The enemy is no longer hiding and is in plain sight. For some time now the Lord has been purging things out of my life. Disney was the first to go and now Target. I’ve been telling coworkers,friends, and family about the evil and deceit Target represents.

    These people don’t realize the devil is just using them. Luke 4:5-8 says:

    And the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.” And Jesus answered him, “It is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’”

    What is even more repulsive and completely evil is how they are trying to indoctrinate children and make it seem natural! Psalm 127:3, Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

    Jesus is coming back and judgement will be handed down. Those who do evil will receive their just deserts in full! REPENT! And turn to Jesus while you still can!

    God bless you brother and keep up the good fight!

  4. i think that iif we willing know for sure any place of work promotes such crap from the other side them we should not support in an way and even financially their evil ways……the problem is that to many so called good people give into the pressure and cant stand on their own tow feet and crumble to the other sides agenda…

  5. We are slowed to be gay.we are slowed to by gay clothes at target with out cults ban my freedom to We are what ever and buy what ever gay clothes.its,called freedom of United States.yes.

  6. Yes, they have put a nail in their coffin!!!! If Bud light did, Target certainly did!!!! They have fallen so low that they will never recover!!! So many shopper loved Target!! But the companies that have gone this way, have not done well at all!!!! Most of Americans still hold to conservative values!! Disney found that out and Target will too!!! Definitely will!!!

  7. I started boycotting Target a decade ago. They have been pushing perversion for quite a few years. Welcome to the club. I have been boycotting Disney since the 1980's because of their perversion.

    Edit: Brylan, why are you afraid say words like 'pride' and 'drag' properly?

  8. Target is actually walking some of this back and making a change. Prayer of the saints is powerful😊. Praise God. Thank you for bringing this situation to the attention of many people.

  9. Brylan, the boycott is great but that rainbow bathing suit is fierce..it's gonna be everywhere this summer….Did you see what it did for Alex Stein?. It made his fleshy old woman body look like a younger woman's body. Do you want me to pick one up for you? Be happy to, what are you a size 2 unisex European cut.🤫😭😭

  10. I'm already celebrating pride month myself. On my social media sites: As my profile pic is a gay pride flag with the word "pride" stamped on it, with a circle and line over the flag and pride word. Then as my cover photo, I have just a plain gay flag, with the words: "I do not force anyone to accept Christianity, stop trying to force me to accept homosexuality".

  11. I just made the following post this morning and then happened upon this video. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much… I've been pondering something and not yet reached a conclusion… I usually in some way support boycotts of brands that use woke marketing, but I'm starting to wonder if that's not maybe the conservative version of cancel culture. These boycotts as a reaction to corporate decision making can be quite effective and might affect the livelihoods of employees who themselves do not support the message of the campaign. Just wondering…

  12. Target has been on board the alphabet train for a good while now my wife and I haven't stepped into a target in a couple of years and we enlighten friends, family and neighbors too exactly what they support and there's nothing family or community oriented in Targets media campaigns they try to enfluence children from the time they can see but not comprehend what is going on. EVIL 😈 EVIL.

  13. Sadly Target hasn't hid their agenda for a long time. As an Ex-Mason I can tell you that there's a reason why the one-eyed Horus 😉 wink is on many of their 'so-called' advertisements.

  14. Thank you Brylan god bless you for speaking, sharing, standing up and opening peoples eyes to the truth on what's happening, boycotting won't do much, because if we take a closer look at the hedge funds, list of companies which own and control Target like BlackRock oversees $10 trillion and worlds biggest financial institutional resources.

  15. I am absolutely horrified by what is transpiring (no pun intended) The hard truth is, one day they will have to stand before God and give account for their depravity. By then, it will be too late. You are correct sir, the time for standing idly by has long past. We need to stand in the truth and pray for a miracle. Thankfully, we have put our fear in The Lord. We do not have to fear this nonsense. My heart breaks for those who are deceived.


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