What is it that makes you different? What makes you jump out of bed? Cole Blakeway, a messy ten year old teaches us the value …


  1. A boy, a good human being. He showed us "DIFFERENT IS THE BEST THING EVER!!!". Why? There are various kinds of people in the world! There are different kinds to be fashion! There are different kinds of feelings! AND, there are different kinds of US! Why are we trying JUST to be like each other??? I hope there will be a reasonable answer for that.

  2. Hello… I have the cure… VERY EFFECTIVE… everything disappears from malice to depravity, even phobias, hallucinations, suicidal instincts, anxiety, delusions, panic caused by third parties, including the most stubborn depressions. On our knees and with hands joined, we do not separate our hands, otherwise we lose contact. Recite our Father several times throughout the day; ave Maria: glory to the Father. when useless thoughts disappear; that is the moment. Hello God the Father… and you tell him your problem, asking him for his intervention. The important thing is not to forget the help you receive. Prayers can be carried out out of necessity even when working or in a car; So don't forsake God!

  3. In these times, all rare personal encouragements and acknowledgements are always under attack from other jealous people who find it as their personal mission to turn them all around and try to make you believe that you would be the only person in the world like this and deserves this, that they are all denied and turned in to extreme mockery. This is how children are taught today. When this is brought up, it is all instantly blamed on the victims themselves. The more you need acknowledgement and recognition, the more extreme the mockery and the denial for you should be, and all in an extreme fashion that you would be the only person in the world to experience this and to have this treatment. Everything is subjected to a person in extreme isolation and with all long-lasting other wrong-doings. Mentally you don't get any information about this, only about mild and superficial point of view, and nothing about the backgrounds. When someone demands respect and recognition, he is treated as a someone who is making excuses for the ridicule that he is subjected to, when he is in a position of never having any recognition or any deeper inspection of what is really the case. Today, all respectable subjects and people are treated in this way, from the point of view of the history. Agreement and acknowledgement of a person is more important than you might think. All reputations are under extreme attack and denial today. There is no respect to honesty anywhere. The more honest you are, the more under attack you are also in all places. That has been the most first and the most obvious thing of being cowardly attacked of all things, and it is extremely impossible to comprehend that something like that would be believable among the people, as a justification or as a proof of something. It's like simply trusting honesty would mean instant death in these times. From very early on, everyone has had to learn in their lives that if you would want recognition, you would have to prove yourself endless times over and over again, and you are never believed. Proving yourself is something that no-one should ever have to do, because if people and surroundings are honest, it is all believed instinctly without proving, as a honest task to do, to keep everything respectable. This instinct seem to been the greatest enemy of mankind for a long time. This is how wrong these times are. Honest people with honest minds are never believed in anywhere. All because things like money, fame and success. The stubbornness of the jealous people seems to reach record heights. It's like these subjects should be kept secret, like as unknown mysteries to prevent the jealousness from creating more problems. Meanwhile, you can always relax and watch mankinds destruction and turmoil all simply because of jealousness.


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