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  1. Just came through (the old) Lagos Nigeria airport and again my selected hotel failed to pick me up. The jackals descended. The main point is that out of the 8, that took me in circles to locate my baggage, the main culprit said and was recognized as a preacher. I put all my energy into shaming his unrighteous, ungodly behavior. And when I brought up a question about the color of Jesus in his church, others were amused and realized I was not to be trifled with. (And I didn't even mention the Taxi Drivers and street kids.)

    Great video! Demonic!

  2. APTTMH 💯💥💥🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿💪🏿 Timothy 3:5

    King James Version

    5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

  3. Everyone who say they are a Christian are not Christian. You are a Christian when you are following Christan. There be those that stand before God and He will tell them to get from before Him you worker of iniquity. So, you are only a Christian when God know you because you belong to HIm.

  4. Church is Theo Theatre.

    The Ten Commands of Bishop B. Croocked.

    Bishop B. Crooked is the presiding Pastor and Bishop of Mt. Pleasant Holliness Baptist Pentacostal Glorified church of Jesus and the Holly few.

    1. You dress up.

    2. You are entertained with music and dance.

    3. You are taxed with an admission fee. Often guised as Love offering, building fund, tithes and offering.

    4. You hear a dramatic theatrical sermon. Staged with mood music to stroke your emotions.

    5. Your frosted ideas of sin and guilt, imposed upon you, now has you open and vunerable. Which makes it easy with the second circulation of the collection plate.

    6. Upon dismissal. You are encouraged to exercise your Godly way and make sure you buy a church dinner before you exit.

    7. Go home, stuff your face. And order some take out delivery.

    8. Live foul all week.

    9. Get your hair did on Saturnday and WAKE up saved on Sunday.

    10. Get up Sunday Mourn. Put on your God costume, Talkin' bout, Thank You Jesus. And 'off u go' to service. Where you get 'served'.
    Again and Again.

    Jus Sayin'

  5. All praises be to Yah, sister Deborah I used to love gospel music but I cut it off with the TV. I still like certain songs. It's crazy how people make like they can't understand that Yah, called homosexuality an abomination. When it's plain and simple.😇💖

  6. There’s a video of Deitrick Haddon going around celebrating his bday his wife has her ta ta’s out while backing it up on him, he’s grinding on her while dancing to drop it like it’s hit by snoop dogg Christianity has been taken over by wickedness

  7. Where is Travis family at? They supposed to been pulled dwn on his girlfriend an let bullets fly! ⚫️ scorned fatherless tramps like this women be the worse to deal with in relationships!!

  8. FRAME 21:00 "…this is why I'm no longer a godamn christian…"

    You are making excuses why you are not living up to your own calling as a follower of Jesus Christ – emulating his examples. Why should the ungodly antecedents of others determine whether or not you are a "Christian" or want to call yourself a Christian? You, too, are sorely missing the point! How unfortunate, indeed!

  9. I STILL can't believe that N🚫 ONE has yet to ask WHAT humans' 🩸 is in them 👟 Lil' Nas-T X 🕺🏿. Could it be from these women & chi'ren 👧👦🏾 abducted and forced into sexxx tr@ficking & been the victims of human s@crifyce 🤔 . . . 🤨?! Who knows what diseases 🦠 are in that blood 🩸😒!!

  10. In ALL honesty — I EXPECT Christian music 🎶 2B more corrupt than secular music simply for the fact Lucifer was the angel in charge of worship in Heaven. So he's completely in his element with "Christian ✝️" music 🎵 moreso than any other genre. Plus, it's the perfect cover because no one would expect him 2B slipping the "okie doke 👌🏾" in that arena. So even when it's exposed to people, they instantly go into denial because they can't even conceive of it being so.

  11. There is nothing new under the sun. It is definitely timely to continue to expose the so-called gospel music AGAIN. Thanks Sister Deborah. The enemy perverts anything that has a semblance of what is holy or set aside for Yah. Money is the root of all evil and this is why the gospel industry has been destroyed. The enemy has studied human beings since Adam and Eve, and this is how deception has creeped in and redirected people to the broad road.

  12. You sre so Sista' Deborah. Gospel, Christian, and Praise Music should not even be a genre. Kirk, Franklin is Executive Producer of the TV Series "Kingdom Business". And, it really makes the church bad. And, they real crafty about how they present Church. And, Yolanda has a lead role in it. It seems as tho' they have sold out. Just my humble opinion.

  13. Reject all forms of entertainment; comedy, tv, movies, music, literature, art, internet including YouTube, sports, recreational activities, sciences, and other activities that DOES NOT PROMOTE God!

  14. All the gospel singers care about Fame and money god and Hollywood don't have nothing in common to all fake gospel artist black and white stop using yah God in their songs period i don't care about to hurting or offended any of them God does care and love us All but no excuses for these supposedly people light and darkness don't have nothing on common and none of singers never had the holy spirit only their god is fame and money

  15. Gospel music has been hijacked. It’s a moneymaker for them. Matthew 7:22, 23 states Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in you name……And then I will declare to them: “I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!”

  16. 😂This is the pot calling the kettle black.
    Christianity is the largest worker of iniquity and lies throughout its inception and fabrication of conglomerated horse puckey! And as the so called gospel music has had its birthing through the Christian fraudulent message.

  17. It's also in these local gospel groups! I've seen so much whoredom going on with these groups! You wouldn't believe the amount of fornication goes on in the church and with these groups!

  18. Thank you Tye for being truthful. And, when you attempt to buy hymns, you can't find them online. At least hymns talked about God. The songs today, talk about "what have you done for me, lately–God?"

  19. christianity is pagan, Rev 13, 1st wild beast is the holy roman empire now called the universal church (catholic), the 2nd wild beast is the Protestant Reformation created in 1517 came out of the catholic church with over 200 denominations, Rev13, the power of the first was given to the second and the second cause the whole world to do homage onto the first. The 2nd wild beast had horns like a lamb, so the doctrine of the protestant movement resembles the teachings of YahvahShua the Messiah mixed in with pagan worship and teachings thus this is the trick, (mixed doctrine) mixed with YahavhShua's teachings and shatan's teachings. so you see christianity is the BEAST SYSTEM and nothing else. Methodist, Anglican, Mormon, Orthodox, SDA, Baptist, Jehovah witness and the list goes on are all from the Protestant Reformation

  20. Spent 30 years of my life as a christian. Im so grateful Yah took me out of that strong delusion. These tares are so easy to spot..i gotta hit myself for not seeing this earlier in my life😵. But it wasnt my time for the blindfold to come off yet.

    Nowadays I listen to music usually with no lyrics..maybe so jazz or some african Lofi music.
    Good video Sis Deborah👸🏿✊🏿

  21. In the ministry of deliverance we deal with Principalities and their powers and the agents of Satan and they call us "Christians" as they did during the time of the Apostles. In the kingdom of Darkness Satan and his Principalities actually call those who say that they are of the Lord but are not "Istian's" which is a Christian without Christ!

    The title is not important but the substance that the title represents is. I never called myself a Christian in front of demon's but that's what they call me because of who is with me and in me which they can see in the spiritual realm! I consider myself blessed because ministry has never just been about preaching and teaching or music but about the warfare to destroy the kingdom of the enemy and deliver as many souls as we can from his kingdom so music has always been strictly about worship or warfare!

    A Christian is someone who has the salvation of Jesus Christ and is spiritually born again into his kingdom. An anointed Christian is one who has been filled with the Holy Spirit and uses the Spirit of God to do all the same works as Jesus Christ did when he walked the earth. It's really that simple. Demons can see who's spirit is of the glory of the kingdom of the Lord and who is not and those that are they call us Christians and they are at war with us in behalf of their master along with his human agents and those who are hybrid beings.

    Again I don't care about the title I am just telling you that no matter what you call yourself the demon's and the agents of Satan can see who and what you really are!

    The Lord never asked us to defend him or his name because he can defend himself and his name but I will say that you should be careful because there are some who do insist on calling themselves Christians that are born again and of the Lords kingdom and are filled with his spirit and serve his faithfully so be careful not to offend those whom even the demon's call Christian and proclaim them to be of Christ their enemy!

    What was the difference between the individuals that the Lord Jesus Christ accepted worship from and those he refused to be worshipped or glorified by? What did Jesus see differently in those people and why did it make a difference?


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