Loving yourself may sound simple, but we all know how hard it is. It can be a long journey to accepting this, but it’s worth it.


  1. I was released from my job in January of 2022.
    Found a new job elsewhere several months later. After a few months in that new job, I found out that it’s a contract job – temporary (was not stated on the application, as I recall). My sense of self-worth has been shot after both of these events in my life, which happened in the same year.
    This video definitely helped me a little bit…

  2. I have a question for anyone willing to spend a moment. My struggle is primarily with achievement, the job I'm aiming for out of college, how others view me, and probably bits of others too. But they affect me because I really want to make a meaningfully big, positive impact on the world in my life.
    Does anyone know how to approach life this way without being excessively hard on oneself when failure comes and/or life punches?

  3. athow about when you give your entire life volentering to townevents and 7/24 on call at your job and you wake up one day your family doesent no you nor does the community you grew up in

  4. this was a nice watch but i don’t feel any better, things in life ain’t going right to the point that my son is the only reason i’m still living if you can read between the lines with that 🤦🏾‍♂️

  5. one thing i keep trying to internalise is "talking to yourself like you'd talk to a friend". i've got a really bad habit of being incredibly harsh on myself when i don't need to be, and one way i'm trying to stop that is imagining if it was coming from someone i cared about. i'm self conscious that i'm single and i wonder if i'm unlovable or doing something wrong, but if i had a friend in the exact same position as me, id be able to give them 101 reasons why they don't need to worry. its way easier to be calm and objective when its someone else's feelings since your own don't get involved, so be your own best friend.

  6. Good thing is that I do not measure my worth by any of these metrics. Bad thing is that I know I am a completely worthless person regardless. I have inflicted much pain and inconvenience upon others, so now I see my worth set to zero with nothing I can do being even remotely close to raising the number.

    Good video, but some people are beyond help.

  7. Ah none of these are my current issue…I don't do what I want to with my days even though I have so much free time and it makes me feel like I'm wasting life or ruining it..

  8. I struggled with self-worth for awhile after going through a few years where I was around toxic people and in environments that hurt my mental health. These videos definitely helped me find a place to start and I've been doing things that have helped rebuild my self-worth:
    – Seeing a therapist more often
    – Having my appearance match who I am on the inside and feel like I see myself in the mirror
    – Having a job in a healthy work environment
    – Reflecting on how I can improve myself and do it because I want to be the best version of myself, rather than do it for someone else.
    – Setting boundaries
    – Recognizing red flags in people and distance myself from them
    – Spending more time reflecting
    – Taking better care of myself

    I'm in a lot better place now than I was last year

  9. 1:21 i keep hearing this over and over, but i still dont get the point; maybe im just blind and stupid, but i feel like my achievements are a significant part of my worth; they can set me up for future jobs and if all goes well a stable future: if i had to choose between individuality or success and forget the other, i would choose success, what good to me is having an identity if it doesnt help me, please i want to know why people keep saying you arent your achievements


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