Due to a family tradition, Emily’s sister Jasmine must get married before Christmas in order for her own wedding which is …


  1. This is a different Christmas story, and i like that it is different… one needs to ask questions , pay attention and be patient. Pressure is not necessary. motives always find a way to show up…if we can be patient to discover it. Time reveals intentions always. I love the lessons you are pitching through your movies @royal arts acadamy… thank you for doing this, I believe it will help reach out to people who need to know.

  2. Mimi is beautiful no doubt but not a good actress at alli guess its true being light skinned or bleach skinned will get you anything… Alissa was awesome as usual this girl can act… Great story line these men are unbelievable honestly

  3. IF an ADULT doesn't go to GOD to Understand, Comprehend, and get Knowledgeable about the Reasons to Face and Embrace Their TEMPORARY SINGLENESS THEY won't EVER become Anointed and Qualified by GOD for an ANCHORED MARRIAGE in Gods Will with a SUITABLE PARTNER that's Anointed and Qualified for THEM by and from GOD…..Nonsense…Your SINGLENESS determines the OUTCOME of the MARRIAGE you enter into. SINGLENESS is the Preparation FOUNDATION for MARRIAGE and IF Your SINGLENESS is 'Faulty' you're GUARANTEED Failure in and throughout the MARRIAGE, Smh…

  4. Mimi’s role in this movie, was to be a desperate for marriage by any means, thereby not asking questions and being foolish. Good she had a smart, inquisitive sister, because she lacked all brain power. Sad but true.


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