The numerous parallels between biblical accounts and the encounters with the Anunnaki by other ancient peoples logically leads …


  1. So, I put all other bible books together and came up with one very different bible, then I took the original stone tablets of everything found regarding God, gods, angels, Annunaki, Nephilim, giants, and what was left behind and put it all in another in one giant book. I found that We are no match for Satan's intelligence, and powers to make us believe that he is actually the one we should be praising. Talk about twisting the truth. Who would you turn a God into A tyrant? How would he keep people from believing in God? You make sure to leave believable information to be found at a certain time in the future. We find it, we see it, but where is the planet they came from, and is it on it's way back. How come there is evidence of Jesus and his Apostles, and the tablets of the accident civilization said to have created us to mind their Gold, but not to worship them.
    but then there was war in heaven, and satan was cast down to earth. Were these to be the Anunnakies? Those who from heaven came. What of Enoch being taken and turned into Metraton.? There is always some truth to every story.
    I ask these questions, to have you do as I did, but I will not give my conclusion, because you have to find the truth, so that it may become clear to you. When speaking the word "us" is because God wasn't alone, he had created others, and is not a good idea to immediately think about other Gods. Read my brothers and sisters that you may yet learn the truth.

  2. Jewish text defines in the directive,Tikkun Olam,as Heal/Restore the Earth/World. With the further connotation that if we,God's Children save even one person, place it's as if we saved the whole world in the Eyes of God! Placing the restoration of the Creation by us is of Greatest Importance to God the Creator! This is a very interesting video! I especially like the way it not only connects the ancient peoples & the God of All Creation to His Creation but involves the Biblical texts to the Ancient historical texts & carvings! From Olam to Olam, World to World, God of All Worlds!!! TYSM!!!

  3. It is to my understanding that Enki what is the compassionate one he created us and loved us and looked after us his full blooded, royal brother Enlil… this further confuses the topic and is the ultimate question who is good and who is evil which one rules one of them does and one will

  4. That was why I disagree with giving God a name. It reduces the omnipotence and omnipresence of God to being a mere extraterrestrial or celestial deity like Odin, Zeus, Brahman, or Rah. No name can encapsulate to greatness of God. We should know in our subconscious who our creator is why the need for a name or form for our God?

  5. What seems obvious is that there is God, the infinite intelligence of the the cosmos, and there are "gods" which are human-like beings who descended from space and reigned on earth for thousands of years. They probably came from different places across the cosmos each with their own agenda. The writers of the texts or tellereod the stories clearly couldn't describe the type of weapons that these beings were using against each other. I always think that there are no miracles without scientific explanations but in ancient times they only understood it as miracles or super natural powers. Which in my opinion were very advanced WMDs they had. I never accepted the god of the old testament as the real God creator of all things. Yahweh sounded too human like and too simplistic, even evil and at times comical, to think that HE created the cosmos. Like why have his "chosen" people fight for thousands of years for such a small piece of land, when HE could just give them their own planet, or a galaxy of their own, why not. Or it's all myth, he never existed.

  6. The Annunaki just modified the DNA. "God is alive in his creation," is written on top of DNA and is much older. The Annunaki themselves had discusions about whetther this was morally ethical in their time.

  7. Yahweh goes by many names.. Enlil, Zues, Loki, Jupiter, Satan. The same story across the planet and we've been fighting over it the entirety of humanity. Enki who is the good one and helped humanity was labeled "The Serpent" by the trickster and we've been worshiping Satan (the wrong one) since the beginning. Even though Enki was one of the ones responsible for our creation and saved from the flood he is still only a "god' and not GOD. GOD is everything that exists, we are all part of GOD like a cell is part of our bodies.

  8. See that’s what I think. It would explain a lot of things, and shed light on the pyramid drawings, it’s a lot easier to store animal dna on a ship free of the need of food. The garden of Eden was a lab.

  9. Good you mentioned that! It was Enki and not Enlil, better known as Shatan, "Satan" that was behind making us in their image. Adding to our DNA. It was also Enki, not Enlil that tried to save mankind of the great flood, "Deluge". It's funny that some always try to make good evil, and evil good! If it were up to Enlil? You would certainly not exist! Only Enki tried to save us from annilation… Was it a good idea? Probobly not! But nonetheless, we have to remember who friend and foe is! Enki is friend of mankind… Enlil is our enemy.
    I believe them to be the Annunaki, not the God of the Universe. However… this would mean that the entire old testament is about false gods and not God.
    Yahweh is actually only the god of the line of Jacob, not all of Israel. Nope. The Elohim, "plural", better known as God in the old testament are God's, not the God of the Universe. No hate for the jews intended. We all have it wrong, not just them for that matter… I love Israel but also Palestineans.
    I will go on to say that I personally believe that Jesus, "Yeshua is a son of the God of the Universe. The old testament obviously has nothing to do with the real God, as far as I can tell… or Allah either. For that matter… but who knows? Judge for yourself…
    Maybe parts of the old testament are true? But certainly not all of it. It contradicts itself constantly… For example… the old testament says that God, "the elohimplural", changed His mind on several occasions! That is certainly not the God of the universe! Or what? Get it? Google when the God of the old testament changed his mind for that which he was about to do… Let's start with Jonah and the great fish or whale… hmmm…
    What about when God, "the elohim plural", decided to destroy the tower of Babel and confuse their languages, because otherwise nothing will be impossible for them, mankind. Does that sound like the real God of the Universe to you? Oh, really? No… I don't think so…

  10. "The creator God is the source of all. The Annunaki are between God and humans, both creations of God." I have the same flow ,said that to my friends once they told me im crazy .I think we live in a lie for centuries.

  11. This video is truly profound and thought-provoking. It's not just a documentary about mythology, but also a journey to discover the origins of the universe and humanity's place in it. I especially like how the video ends, emphasizing Yahweh's greatness and His cosmic plan.

  12. You might consider Yahweh as a position on the pantheon (Assembly of God). Because Abzu and Nammu were parents of the gods. And Anu becomes the Most High with Ki his Goddess. And El Elyon or Enlil becomes the Most High. And Enki becomes the Most High (and retires to The Deep where he put Abzu to sleep). And Marduk becomes the Most High. And what you might have is a story of succession to the number-one position. Which would actually make sense if you regard the Bible as the story of a cycle of Creation, possibly related to the Mayan Ahau. So Genesis is the beginning of the Ahau and Revelation is its destructive conclusion, which gives occasion for God's "rest" and a remade pristine world in which to start again … ruled by a new god that much resembles the old one.

    The reason I suggest such a position? Because so much of the Bible is obviously a rip from earlier literatures. Enki was the engineer of humanity. Enki was the warner of the Flood. Enki was the confounder of languages. But Marduk is the one to inspire Cyrus the Great (according to Cyrus) and Yahweh is the one to inspire this Persian messiah according to the Bible. So either Enki is Yahweh the Elder and Marduk Yahweh the Younger who gets to incarnate as the "Righteous Sufferer" and otherwise act as the Angel of God … or there has actually been a succession.

    Now, if you prefer Sumer's Sar that becomes God's Holy Week of Creation … you're back to the Precession. And instead of five Ahau, you have seven Sar of 3,661 years (symbolized by the Ugaritic Lion's Paw and its base-60 numbers scheme 1=3600; 1=60; 1=1). In which case, God's Sabbath begins next year! The vernal equinox has gone completely around the zodiac again to the cusp of Pisces-Aquarius, which was a vertical line … not the squiggly lines bequeathed to us by Ptolemy with a built-in 600-year fudge factor for Apocalypse & Creation.

    At the fall equinox you will find Saturn at the 1st of Aries (our starting point) and Mars/Bel Marduk/Creator in opposition at an eclipse where he is being birthed by Virgo. In a zodiacal picture of the nativity such as we witnessed September 23, 2017 … we recall Isaiah 7:14 and Revelation 12:1 as well as Joseph's warning there would be seven good years before the seven of famine. Epic of Gilgamesh tells us another sign of impending doom. In Tablet VI, Anu tells Inanna "If you demand the Bull of Heaven from me, there will be seven years of empty husks." And we saw that sign in Taurus this past May. Anu (Uranus), the Taurian Sun to be defeated, with Gilgamesh/Jupiter and Enkidu/Venus as performing the Tauroctony of Mithras.

    If you look in the Cambridge Assyrian Dictionary, you find regarding the Son of God (and allow me to paraphrase): Nibiru Marduk, the red star. which, crossing the sky, stands in the direction of the south,

    after the stars (the gods of the night) have finished their course … the Precession. When a pole reversal is the result, you have your succession. The Creator who just destroyed this place in judgment (like an angry Nergal/Narasimha) is the new Most High (because North has become South for the earthlings). And the old Most High has been thrown down … ready for the next update to the human genome.


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