Video original and produced exclusively by SPIRIT NERDS TV ➤Footage Licensed through STORYBLOCKS ➤Speaker: Apostle …


  1. Key notes.
    God exposing & Judging falsehood, migration to the next level for the faithful, embarking on serious prayer and fasting till June 2023☑️

    I have heard the spirit of God🙏🙏

  2. You are doing well in the prophetic exposure. I was in 7 days and the Lord said is raising Signs all over the world. People who will be a signature of His grace. Thus kind of sons and daughters are pregnant. And they will enter the labor ward to travel and bring forth the glory of God of Israel.
    Three days ago when I was heading to night vigil (prayers) the Lord spoke to me about alignment.
    May God help us in Jesus name.

  3. I will be listening-intensely–to further/ prophecies for 2023—-But let me tell you–people who read this–& Hopefully Apt. Arome–who I Love his Spirit–has much as my life….Great MAN OF GOD… satan is running–full throttle–for christians, to go after their souls: & he is Crafty & VERY Shrewd! a fallen angel–spirit–we do not wrestle against flesh & blood…He will use Every temptation..in his arsenal–to get YOU & me to choose him OVER OUR G O D..Listen–this is true. ( personal experience ) we have to stop–& Thank our Savior–AND KNOW—the WORDS of GOD–ARE MORE PRECIOUS-Than ANYTHING!!!! wHEN WE STAY–IN JESUS- satan-has met not just his Match,,But HIS SUPERIOR…This world–is not–like it was even 10 yrs. ago—People are severely–messed up, in their thinking… their are DEVIL Filled people were wrestling with spirits–not flesh & blood people..BUT–HE CANNOT CONTEND WITH OUR SAVIOR The devil WILL Want to threaten you, to undo you..We wILL NOT Fear..GOD Truth in us–Will Triumph–through us! Remember–the prince of darkness–is Grim..we Must Not Tremble–in HIS RAGE-to us….We can Endure—for lo—his Dooom is sure..Stay Strong in your INTIMAcy–with Your relationship–Abiding with Christ in your mind everyday..You Will Gain—the VICTORY….. Yes Apostle Arome—Discernment—Is Extremely important…..Shalom

  4. WOW WOW –I AM Know—learning–with the Grace of holy Spirit—knowledge—More About these alters… ALTER–is defined as A PORTAL–OR place of exchange…. where spirits ( God,, Angels,, or demons- can land..) ?? yes--Staying on your alter- is where humanity 7 Divinity meet……. yes-I am now–finding this out myself—-Alters are SuperNatural power stations… AND THEY CAN BREAK THINGS!!! Alters—can dismantle–Bloodline in our generational line–father & mother….. Holding back our purpose & destiny… Yes… Remember Jacob—at the Alter–ascending 7 descending—Angels…. Alters are Real–people…I AM finding out–by GODS directions—Ancient paths–Alters—Timeless— Alters--are also—transcedent–Both in Heaven & earth…—I AM Still learning–Alters.. They are raised by Sacrifices-in your life–& substained by our Sacrifices…. Remember–the 2 types of ALTERS Gen 4 : 3-5 Able's Alter & cains alters??? Lord had regard & respect for Able.. No respect–for cains– godly & evil Alters—— ( obedience–able disobedience–cains ) let us THINK–about that….Shalom

  5. I feel lead to speak--Isaiah 24: 5-6 the earth lies defiled—under its inhabitants—for they have–transgressed the laws….violated the statutes—–broken the everlasting covenant…. therefore a curse is trying & is devouring the earth….& its inhabitants—suffer for their guilt… We cannot—Blatantly defy—God's law… Romans 8 : 20–the evil world–we inhabit is a world–of our own making..& GOD is allowing satan-to rule-it–for only a temporary period.. Any power the devil has–is because God gives it to him–for a season…. Not sure why I speak this–maybe cuz–this kind of environment–that exists in this world–now is just similar to Air..Prince power of the air??? The wicked adversary has for this position of temporary time…. We Must stay Alert–& armed—& keep the full armour of GOD—-on..while times are getting tougher.

  6. Yes--we must– be free-from the devils Reign– ( the grace of God ) will give us time–to sort out—if people can be reformed—or Not…. We Must–live Self-controlled, upright, & Godly lifes….in THIS PRESENT AGE '' Titus 2 : 11-12 & WE MUST Swear–Ultimate Allegiance to Our Master KING JESUS!!! we Must give–satan–NO PLACE–in our lifes–We Sholuld WANT–to spend–the REST of our lives-Pleasing our King!

  7. WE NEED to PRAY–like the Old PURITAN–who knew–the need for watchfulness–& Strength—to Totally resist the enemy for our souls—to see–whats—really real….( AND ALWAYS REMEMBER—WE DON'T FIGHT,, WRESTLE, against people–( but–the spirits inside them..)

  8. This is the only channel that doesn't tell lies in their caption in order to draw viewers.
    The content of the video is what the caption reveals.

    But as for other channels.
    Only God will have mercy.
    God bless your good work here!

  9. In my Vision I saw rain falling in morning and even the Evening,
    Then I heard " this is what will happen the early months of Next year Godwilling that will Signify the coming of Christ.

    In Luke 21:36
    Jesus tells us to keep watch and pray that it may be possible for us to see Christ without passing through all the struggles that shall come to pass.

    Therefore we need to pray so that we shall stand on these times and also leave a life that pleases God and pray that these times will not affect us.

    Remember when God sent plagues and droughts to Egypt some people were excluded, that's the Israelites and God's Chosen people…
    Be part of the people who will escape by Doing what God wants and repenting from your evil ways and praying that you may be counted worthy to escape the times

    Praise Be to God.


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