Warm ups are important for any meeting or event and I thought that the age-old icebreakers needed some fine tuning. I remember …


  1. These are good suggestions, except the "pick a coin and tell me something that went on that year". Please make sure your ice-breakers take into consideration that not all people have had perfectly happy, trauma-free pasts. (Probably most people have not.) It's not good for productivity to start the activity by reminding someone of the time they were in a war, were assaulted, lost their child or parent, etc. I strongly encourage avoiding talking about people's personal past as small talk / ice breakers.

  2. I love that I found this video. Aaaaand found your channel. Your videos used to pop up all the time so I did not realize I never subscribed ? Unfortunately, watching the JD/AH trial took over my “suggested” videos ? Thank you YouTube for bringing me back to this channel ?


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