This video is very much interesting especially to the first timer facilitator like me. Please help me make a great icebreaker questions in making a workshop activity about instructional materials
These are good suggestions, except the "pick a coin and tell me something that went on that year". Please make sure your ice-breakers take into consideration that not all people have had perfectly happy, trauma-free pasts. (Probably most people have not.) It's not good for productivity to start the activity by reminding someone of the time they were in a war, were assaulted, lost their child or parent, etc. I strongly encourage avoiding talking about people's personal past as small talk / ice breakers.
I love that I found this video. Aaaaand found your channel. Your videos used to pop up all the time so I did not realize I never subscribed ? Unfortunately, watching the JD/AH trial took over my “suggested” videos ? Thank you YouTube for bringing me back to this channel ?
I started watching you recently but it became one of my daily habits to watch you your videos are very helpful to improve personal skills you're a very nice person
I absolutely despise icebreakers in a workplace setting. Skip it, just give me the information I need and end the meeting early instead.
You have a great voice…. I don't like mine. Any advice on that?
We need updated virtual icebreaker ideas!
I'm the same age as her sister ?
Want more on icebreakers and networking?
Great ? tomorrow itself I am going make my students play some of these games. Thanks a million Vanessa.
Would love ideas for online meetings
Thank you, this helps
Wow Iconic and love it…….!!!!!
Great, would recommend watching in x2 speed
This video is very much interesting especially to the first timer facilitator like me. Please help me make a great icebreaker questions in making a workshop activity about instructional materials
Nothing new here.
This one is a bomb!!!!
Thank you so much. I am glad I came across this… Quite helpful!!!
Question how are you conducting number 7 if the group is large? Are they just going up to the
These are good suggestions, except the "pick a coin and tell me something that went on that year". Please make sure your ice-breakers take into consideration that not all people have had perfectly happy, trauma-free pasts. (Probably most people have not.) It's not good for productivity to start the activity by reminding someone of the time they were in a war, were assaulted, lost their child or parent, etc. I strongly encourage avoiding talking about people's personal past as small talk / ice breakers.
well I'm here bcoz I have a meeting tomorrow ?
I love that I found this video. Aaaaand found your channel. Your videos used to pop up all the time so I did not realize I never subscribed ? Unfortunately, watching the JD/AH trial took over my “suggested” videos ? Thank you YouTube for bringing me back to this channel ?
I started watching you recently but it became one of my daily habits to watch you your videos are very helpful to improve personal skills you're a very nice person
Great video. Where can we find the study from Harvard plz ?
everything before 2min mark is junk. Delete them
Teamwork – ever thought there are different types of teamwork with indifferent intentions?
Very helpful!
Thank you for the videos. I will probably use one of them for an upcoming workshop.
Not so great for diabetics ?