War of Flesh and Spirit in Believers | Charles Spurgeon Sermons 2022 – 2023

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  1. ❤Those who love the Lord will joyfully embrace all of His teachings in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon – Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Moroni 10 : 4-5 tells us how we can know that these scriptures are from God. They're accessible online and on YouTube.😊

  2. War of flesh and spirit is like the natural zombie man in us always wants to be the reckless destroyer of our lives, while the light of Christ the Holy Spirit is rarely thought of until we need Him. If only we would allow the Christ in us to embody every ounce of our lives, it is only then that we can put the zombie man into submission to the mighty hand of God. To God be All the Glory forever and ever Amen 🙏

  3. People ask me "Why does God hate me?" and I usually tell them not to feel alone, God hates everybody, look at his history and be thankful that you weren't among the multitudes of innocent people he's murdered and tortured in the past.

    This usually makes them feel better, then I explain to them that God has some extreme mental problems that would be treated with powerful drugs and incarceration if he was on Earth, the best way to deal with God's hate and anger issues is to keep a low profile, don't do anything that may bring yourself to his attention, but if you feel this will restrict or hamper your lifestyle it's best to gather a few allies, enemies of God such as Satan, Lord Ahriman, Baal, Moloch etc and this will afford you protection from this wrathful God, your life will improve, no more praying and groveling to a monster who may smite you at the smallest provocation.

    You can begin to enjoy a life of hedonism, depravity and debauchery without feeling guilty, your new friends will help you by giving guidance and introducing you to like minded people. As the saying goes, "This is the first day of the rest of your life" have fun. Blessed be.

  4. The very fact that there is a war going on proves that we have the Holy Spirit. Thank God for the battle. RC Sproul has a five minute video that describes the battle with the "old man" as a chicken with its head cut off. Everyone knows he's dead but the chicken in Ultimately: At War with Ourselves.

  5. Great sermon.
    Relevant today with all the self help cognitive behavioral therapy treatments that still leave people without a savior, without hope and without real remedy.
    The holy spirit is he who can subdue the flesh if we allow sanctification to take place by fleeing sin and temptation.
    Blessed be the blood of Jesus to cleanse us!

  6. Do you make people mad or try something on them in whatever way possible to get "a lie God into their lives" . I think joice had God but she was filthed by criminals and had been done damages…every time i read her books they were shouting that …Give her back her God too erase the filth on her……Is my truth real truth? Do you realise even in stone age times where no literature was available times too God was same ..in the beginning was God and there was trinity too there So why do you remove the pattern of God woven in that human and parents and God weaver out of the human to make a filthy mold. Will it not be God abominable to have removed God there …

  7. When you hear this message you come to plainly see why this man suffered from severe depression, I believe was struggling with sin till the very end, never truly understanding the robe of Righteousness that our beautiful Saviour provided for me. If you cannot see it, you will never be able to walk in it. I used to walk just as this calvinistic hero did his entire life, until I truly saw what was bought and paid for me, that at the time I submitted to my Lord, I would never be any cleaner or whiter than I was at that instance, when I saw my self spotless through Christ my paradigm slowly shifted from a sin consciousness to a consciousness of Righteousness through Christ, it was that instance that I got OFF the turnstile of guilt condemnation and shame. Im not sin just waiting to happen, but through Christ everywhere I go I am a seed of life, love and Righteousness ready to germinate into fruits of life in the situations around me. And if I sin, we have an advocate…Christ Jesus 1 John 2:1. Brothers and sisters PLEASE change your paradigm and get FREE

  8. Amen, it's because, as true believers washed in the Blood of Jesus, we are NEW CREATURES! And it's only the OLD ADAMIC nature, that is, our WICKED FLESH, where we sin! What a moment-by-moment struggle! Praise God for the Indwelling Holy Spirit within every genuine Christian Who helps us to walk the straight and narrow way!

  9. As believers we stand on the shoulders of Spurgeon, but we have to go on to see more of the divine revelation concerning these two items, it was not until I read Watchman Nee's studies on this crucial part of the Bible the flesh & the Spirit does this open up! Go deeper into the Bible- this is not a shallow part of the Bible.

  10. Jesus said that we need a second birth — a spiritual birth — if we were going to become a part of God's family. Jesus said, “No one can enter the Kingdom of God (God's family) unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but spirit gives birth to Spirit.

  11. ❤ same here , I get so 😢 over both my past shame and 😢 over my present sin. No matter how hard I try i always mess up by saying or doing something I know is wrong 😢. I feel so bad for days after wards. These teachers are so helpful ❤


  13. I always say that we are all the same but it is easy to forget that when you see someone who is so good and you think I will they don't struggle at all! I love the movie about mr. Rogers called a beautiful day in the neighborhood because they make a point in there exactly the point that you're making. His wife says that you can't call him a saint because that makes it seemed unattainable but anyone can be as good as he is if they work at it every day like he does! I can't stand when people say that they cannot because they want to make that excuse

  14. 2nd/2

    Because of the censorship, I am of the opinion that saints came from various backgrounds, some believed in a trinity others were Jews, they were faithful to God but did not know the truth because the vatican made sure they remained ignorant and before they could gain more progress they were locked away tortured and burnt alive—the biting irony is that at some level many saints were heretics in serious ways or at least in subtle ways, but in an atmosphere of indoctrination from infancy, utter terrorism, utter persecution, universal imposed ignorance on the pain of death, with zero opportunity, yet it is still a blasphemy and a lie to describe them as nothing more than heretics, hypocrisy to force them to recant truths only to accept heresies, unjust to punish the least heretical where all are heretics and remain immune. One major heresy most denominations retained was the trinity and one major symbol they continue to use is the cross, which is an ancient symbol related to sun worship, and the cross is the mark of the beast. The True Church is more elusive and has never and will never become the mainstream, it is the door that leads to life that few find, and the hard way that leads to salvation that only a few have taken, it has remained underground under relentless persecution–we are trying to speak out, but always fail to gain any voice; it does not really figure in any historical account, because all history is a catholic narration of what is convenient to Rome, hence the most important events and persons are omitted, since they are also the ones to which the jesuit status quo is most sensitive to, their defeats, their crimes, the reversal of all their claims and boasts, their shame, their weak points—-they continue to insist in those lies not because they believe them but because through them they can manipulate others and stay in power; most of the Church has been made up of dispersed individuals so called 'heretics' that were identified before joining any other Christian by the secret vatican police, which hunted them even in forests, and were martyred one at a time. There were only rare instances of a united body of Christians like the Waldenses in the remote summits of the Alps and the Cathars in Southern France who also had to disguise themselves to survive the catholic persecution but soon the vatican felt a morbid fear of their growing numbers and through various pretexts besides promising spoils to the plunderers as bribes and various forms of retaliation against monarchs nobles etc. by way of intimidation it crushed every instance in every age everywhere to this day, torture was officially introduced with an official inquisition and the Dominican order was created after the pattern of the Cathars so that by mimicking them the vatican might convert with soft power some Cathars or potential Cathars, these orders with various styles and flavors are the basis for the pantheon of religions the jesuits now own with some 40,000 heretical Christian denominations, all current religions worldwide are catholic orders; how close to Christ these victims were can only be assumed and deduced by their fate, as the catholic accounts of their beliefs are spurious. They faced repeated crusades until they disappeared in the 19th century (Waldenses) with much of their literature confiscated by the vatican and some ' surviving examples' considered by most as forgeries prove the jesuits have a lot to hide. The technological developments have made the tortures interrogations manuals persecutions intensify every generation, the increasing immorality and corruption of society have also increased the cruelty and brutality of the inquisition and its sadistic attributes. One way or another, the vatican always manages to persuade society to approve of the public burning of saints, one invariable tool it has used for this purpose is to demonize saints, to malign any good figure of history ever after, predisposing all minds to get to the truth. I have been 'burning alive' in torment for over a decade, the torture never ceases 24/7, the world remains indifferent incredulous blind, generally no government has ever cared, and in cases where they have cared, they have failed to protect their subjects (consider the case of Hus or even Joan of Arc), never discerning how important the cause of Christ is. Finally the vatican does not only persecute saints, it does not only make holocausts of saints, it makes holocausts of all they can make holocausts of, and in fact it has committed genocides against the majority of ethnic religious and cultural groups on earth—the particulars of their individual cases will reveal the actual motive, in some cases it was all for money, in other cases it was all for religious reasons, in most cases there is a combination of many factors. The suppression of truth is a major goal in the vatican/jesuit agenda, it can be scientific, as in the famous Galileo case, or political, or religious, etc—they do not want be debunked and exposed as the impostors they really are in any of these areas, nay, to be unmasked as the antichrists, their power and wealth derive from deceiving the world, being they the snake mouthpiece of satan. The Pharisees persecuted the early Christians for religious reasons, and this is the main reason all Christians in every place and age have been persecuted for—the exploitation employed to finance their persecution and annihilation and the other potential economic political social threats they may pose in an upside-down world are secondary and tangential.Feel free to ask any questions. (The jesuits are blocking all my comments, some paragraphs post, others do not.)


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