Voice of God Recordings Admits Failure of William Branham Prophecy

In June 1962, William Branham claimed to have had a vision wherein he shot and killed a “mammoth, big, brown-looking bear”.


  1. John, I am still having problems with technology. I could not leave a message before; and I had to go to the side bell; and that too was not working. I had to repeat a few different approaches; that were not working; and then it normalized.

  2. It's such a shame that people have believed that a vision of a bear confirms anything, even if it did come true. The vision's failure only adds to the travesty. Thanks for all your work, John!

  3. Thank you John!! You made my day by showing me the documentation that VOGR has actually admitted that one of WMB's prophesies failed. That shocked me! I figured they would find some kind of way to spin it, like they did for years by trying to confuse people with accounts of WMB killing the grizzly bear. The more people–like you and your new partner in your ministry and others that are very knowledgeable about everything that is available (and now some things that were not formerly available–YAY!!!!) the harder it is going to be for the leaders of the cult to spin things and deny things that are clearly documented. I'm so happy about that!! Praise the Lord!!! And just like we all already knew and was reinforced in that knowledge by yesterday's video and today's–he sure did like to kill things. I don't get that. I saw someone shoot a squirrel once and it made me cry. I am not a vegetarian, but I would become one if I had to kill my own meat–and that makes me somewhat of a hypocrite , I know that. I also have no problem with people hunting to get food for themselves and their families. But for WMB killing things was a passion. It's just my opinion, but I think that is messed up!

  4. May The Light of this world, Jesus Christ return …

    Parousia Armageddon – the causes of grief, hurt and pain that God's moral and righteous Love upheld heals via justice of and for Peace and the wholeness of the whole spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come…Come… Revelation 21

    Part 1 –
    Adam, Eve and St Agnes – Portrait of a Northern Landscape


    โœจโœจโœจย โœจ

    Part 2ย  11 – 23
    Portrait of a Northern Landscape –ย  23 Manners Makers Man

    Armageddon Part 3

    24 Loanly Student Lones –
    25 Faith

    ย ย ย 
    Salvation song:
    Being Humankindย ย 
    ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  https://youtu.be/fAw3Y9FWfM4

    Armageddon part 4




    The name of the Lord ๐Ÿ’– The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ, so be Love… ๐Ÿ’– and JHVH God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by abuse and sin of every kind.ย  This is why God is Love as the laws forย  moral and righteous Love are honourable for Health and well being.ย  So be Loving and kind with Love, Joy, Faith, Goodness, Mildness, Kindness with Patience and Self Control not to abuse, sin or hurt another for Peace,ย  Twofold Peace via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others and the eternal Princely Rule for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come… Thanks be to God for causing Love to become made whole and One in us, in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell via The Holy Spirit, The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach,ย  Isa, The Messiah,ย  who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed, namely Jesus Christ,ย  our Lord and saviour who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth, thanks be to God, who is Love and Light,ย  Halleluyah.ย  ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š
    God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by abuse and sin of every kind.ย  God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in us from walking/ running in andย  by God's whole spirit of Love for The Holy Spirit to dwell, for the energy of Love, for The Tent of God to shelter and protect mankind, kind men and women as the whole Spirit of God'sย  Love through Jesus Christ stabilises our hormones to Love, which is not a cortisol stress response. ' By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God.'ย  #Healthisnotacortisol
    #Peaceisnotacortisol #Lifeisnotacortisol #Parousia #ReturnofJesusChrist
    Time to end abuse of every kindย  where there will be war no more. Isaiah 2:4


    โœจโœจโœจโœจAmen, Rapture, Bliss, Heaven on Earth…by living with the fullness of God's Whole Spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ,ย  Yeshuah Hamashiach,ย  Isa, The Messiah, Our Messiah, our Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Eternal Father, Mighty God in respect to our Heavenly Father and Almighty God who causes Love to become made whole and One, Anointed in our body The Temple for God's Love to dwell in accord with His name in every language and tongue…Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste… blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God and by their fruits we know them.ย 

    No Abuse, No Lies,
    No Betrayals, No Corruption, No Adultery,ย  No Usury,ย  No Exploitation, No Trafficking, No Slavery, No Hunger, No Abuse, No Sin, No Greed, No Sloth,ย  No Woe, No Bullying, No Jealousy, No Hurt, No Pain, No Anxiety,ย  No Depression, No Sickness, No unjust Grief, No media lies, No Idolatry, No Coveting, No paedaphiles, No pornography, No ruling psychopaths, narcicissts or sociopaths, No takers, just Human Beings being kind in the fullness of God's Love made whole and One in us,ย  in our body, The Temple where Love does dwell, where we do dwell, where moral, righteous Love is upheld as Love is always Positive.

    Do not Positively die from eating evil and bad knowledge, Genesis 2:17

    God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by abuse and sin of every unkind act, thought, word and deed. #Healthisnotacortisol #Peaceisnotacortisol #Lifeisnotacortisol #Joyisnotacortisol By their fruits we know them and blessed are the peacemakers for they are all children of God.ย  Amen.

    God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in us for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come…

    Are you ready? ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š

  5. God designed mothers to be mothers. If we go against God, we all become anxious, sick and depressed. Babies need the Love and adoration and milk from their loving the mum. Truth. God makes us male and female,ย  Love makes us male and female and #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by seperation. Mum's need to be with their baby and children as much as a baby / child needs to be with his or her mum. And actually a man needs to be with his wife as much as as a wife needs to be with her husband as male and female become One and no system should pull apart what God has yolked together. Mark 10.9

    Families need respect, honour and support for all our health, happiness and healing,ย  home.

    These 'last days' before Christ returns separate every one for control and fear and so people are stresses, anxious and lostย  as #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by lies, betrayal, corruption,ย  abuse and sin.

    And how they treat the cows they get milk from is cruel and God knows what else is put in the milk formula, and may God act to reform our natural families with His loyal Love for Peace with The Holy Spirit once again.ย ย 

    Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste… man can only become Human with Love which is the same in every body, in every language and tongue and #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone and so God is Love, a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell for healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come…

    Reunite our family unit for Healing…

    I know, I lost all mine…and only God's Love and Light of healing and my understanding and practice of therapy has saved me… Thank God for my faith and grace through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour of and for Life…Halleluyah, our Messiah, our most Wonderful Counsellor, Eternal Father, Mighty God and Prince of Peace namely Jesus Christ in English,ย  Yeshua Hamashiac in Jewish, Isa in Arabicย  – our healer, our Light of healing is returning for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come… Come…

    Thank God for this vision of Light that saved my life


    Jesus Christ, The Messiah, our Wonderful Counsellor and Prince of Peace say if we don't find Peace then the stones will cry outย  – Luke 19:40, Revelation 21 .
    This is the cry I hear…


    We need to mourn our loss and grief completely to restore our Love from pain.
    This is possible, I know and certainly ' blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. ' matthew 5:4 when mourning is complete the pain turns to grace.


    And only Love is reasonable…Reasoning Loveย 


    Thanks be to God, Praise Jah, Halleluyah through Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come…

    Come… ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Šโœจโœจโœจโœจ

  6. Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ…You can find the whole conscious process in the links in here. The one which follows Jesus Christ says the stones will cry out has the conscious healing process.
    Our body is The Temple for God's Love to be made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, The One anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love for Twofold Peace:Jerusalem for New Jerusalem for healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love. God's #Loveisnotacortisol

    ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•ŠWe wlll all be changed 'just as in theย  twinkling of an eye'ย  – because the changeย  is a nervous system change from stress and fear to Love.ย  Love is alwaysย  positive. Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ,ย  Amen,ย  Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, twofold peace to All Nations in accord with God's promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love,ย  Amen Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations, there is no division with God's Love,ย  we are all One with and in God's Love made whole in us through the whole spirit anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning Quickly.

    Check out this sun, the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds.


    Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear
    Amen, God is waiting for us to turn away from sin and wake up to His Love for Twofold Peace via a quiet conscience with God, and self for Peace with others for Healing All Nations and removing the pain and suffering sin brings for Heaven on Earth as God has promised through The Whole Spirit of Love anointed, namely Jesus Christ. Get it yet?

    Passover 2020 FROM fear to Love, Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace to All Nations in accord with God's promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace to All Nations in accord with God's promise for Heaven on Earth . https://youtu.be/UzHCzOQJfOISinners are already in Hell. Hell is confusion of mind, body and no spirit of Love but anxiety, stress, guilt, shame,ย  cortisols – adrenaline is the lie, adrenaline is the way out of danger from fear and stress and super charges the body and shuts down the frontal cortex of the brain. The frontal lobe is where emotional processing, compassion, empathy, understandingย  and healing occurs. If someone is unreasonable they are in stress, not Love. They are in guilt not Love, you know the ones who can't say sorry and turn everything round and blame you, the abusers mindset, the psychopath mindset, the sociopath mindset, narcissism, capatilism, pornography, affairs, lies, betrayals, control, fighting, gaslighting, abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse,ย  no Love, no care, no grace.ย ย  Sin is anti to Christ's Love made whole in us, in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace: Jerusalem, The Holy City, Israel for Heaven on Earth. The name of God means 'He who causes Love to become Anointed Whole and One in us' God is Love and proves He is what He is: Love. We are only One, whole and complete with God's moral Love made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Please no days left of this wicked system of stress and fear and war and killing and famine and sickness and money god and death as well as death of God's Spirit of true Love, moral Love in selfish manmean. We need man to beย  kind in God's Love for mankind, gentlemen, honourable men who we can respect. We can't survive in survival, in adrenalin and cortisol bloods from the sympathetic fear response,ย  we need to reside in our
    parasympathetic nervous system Where we have full brain reason and consciousness, mindfulness with empathy and compassion – Love of God, others and self in accord with God's moral Love. Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Twofold Peace for Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen,ย  Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations in accord with God's promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love Amen, Ameen, Shalom,ย  Namaste,ย  Twofold Peace to All Nations…๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š

    Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This is the cry I hear


    Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

    Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healingย  to All Nations…

    Maranatha. Parousia.ย  Come Lord Jesus Christ Come ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–
    as promised by God who is Love and #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ for The Holy Spirit to dwell in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell through Jesus Christ, Amen. Thanks be to God, Amen. ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ for The Holy Spirit to dwell in our body, The Temple for God's Love to dwell through Jesus Christ, Amen. Thanks be to God, Amen. ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love,ย  Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations, there is no division with God's Love,ย  we are all One with and in God's Love made whole in us through the Whole Spirit anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Amen. ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ•Š


    I found a scripture to answer your question. I had read the scripture before seeing this video. I hope this scripture will help you to not be so critical of John.

    I'll give a commentary on the scripture.

    It was saying that Jesus is happy when we get out of sin; – and as a result:

    we lose our social standing or friendships.

    Then I found a matching scripture:

    and there it says how there will be a deception of being holy:

    when in reality they are evil people;

    with intentions to do harm to the body of Christ by their behaviors;

    – or blasphemies done to the word of God; — an atrocity.

    1 Peter 4:4, NIV: They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless; [THE KKK,] in their reckless wild living, [BURNING CROSSES] and they heap abuse on you.

    Romans 1:30 30and [are] SCANDALMONGERS and they hate God. 31They are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know the just decree of God that all who practice such things deserve

    DEATH, [scripture explains;]


    they not only do them

    BUT GIVE APPROVAL to those who practice them; [ALL THE WM SCANDALS FOUND.]

    1 Peter 4: and they vilify you; [SEEKYETHETRUTH]5but they [SCANDALMNGERS] will give an account to him who stands ready to judge the living and the DEAD.b 6For this is why the gospel was preached even to the


    that, though


    though condemned in the flesh; in human estimation, they might live in the spirit in the ESTIMATION of God. [Dead or Alive]

    [Isaiah 68:18 When you ascended on high, you took

    1)many captives;

    2)you received gifts from people,

    3)even from the rebelliousโ€” that you, LORD God, might dwell there.

    7The end of all things is at hand. Therefore, be serious and sober for prayers. 8cAbove all, let your love for one another be intense,

    Intense? Yes the contending for the faith; as what John Collins is doing; and the passion that I have for the Lord Jesus Christ; is intense to contend for the Faith; Rev 12:17,

    And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war; [against the scandals discovered; — SCANDALMONGERS]

    and went to make war; with the remnant of her seed, WHICH KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD,

    and have the testimony of Jesus Christ; [= THE SPIRIT OF PROPHESY, REV 19:10.]

    TO WHY:

    I am posting anyone who is needing UNDERSTANDING TO SEEKYETHETRUTH;



    1) Helping in anyway of form

    2) And he gave gifts onto men; the use of research technology;

    3) The Borean use of the scriptures' prophesy

    by which in the last days: scriptures are prophetic for this day;

    Joel 2:27: and his handmaids; [I am not ashamed that God made me a woman;]

    and servants shall prophesy; or repeat the work: that Jesus Christ has:


    – and the antichrists; are re-directing the path; — railroading.




    In the situation of scandal; we do not cover that sin:

    Continuation 1 Peter 4: 9Be HOSPITABLE to one another without complaining 10As each one has RECIEVED A GIFT; use it to serve one another as good stewards of Godโ€™s VARIED GRACE.e 11Whoever preaches, let it be WITH THE WORDS OF GOD; whoever serves, let it be with the strength; [PASSION] that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ,f to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

  8. 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?'
    I see a crazed hunter looking at me…hang on, you colorblind?
    I'm a silvertip ๐Ÿปโ€โ„๏ธ๐Ÿ‘€

  9. I follow your videos and I have known that you don't know what you're talking about. You have only to criticize and bring many people with you in the error. You're lost…
    You're one of those who are totally against the message and bringing reasonings and lying people. May God forgive you… continue criticizing and you will see God face to face


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