HanesMinistries #Rapture #JesusSaves #Harpazo A A Allen, was a Evangelical and Faith Healer of Voice of Healing church.


  1. Wow, Scary ! Thank You for sharing, had never heard any of these prophecies, but had heard of them….I continue to pray, and keep all my faith and trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, His will be done…..🙏🏻❤️🕊✨

  2. May our dear heavenly LORD Jesus Christ have mercy for all souls who have to face the tribulation. Soon we will meet our dear heavenly LORD Jesus Christ in the clouds. All glory to him. Amen & Maranatha 🙏 🙏 🙏

  3. I assume the reason China and Russia would do that to destroy the arches of Baal in LA, NYC, and Washington DC and so those nightmare creatures will stop coming out of the bottomless pit according to Revelation 9:1-11. Those arches appear to be free standing and possibly portals to the currently unseen realm of evil. Kind of has me thinking about the “Stranger Things” Netflix TV series.

  4. I have never heard of these two men but thank you so much for sharing their visions they had….. The only part I did not understand was when the one man said it will happen in 1986…. But I truly believe these two men saw the future God bless both of you Steve and Susie you all are amazing wonderful pastors to me I love you both❤️🙏

  5. Yo I believe this thing is over brothers and sisters they are mandating the vaccine soon. I just said, whatever I’m eligible for Unemployment and I’m done putting the funky mask on. I’m trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ! Let’s be real the rapture is among us and the Harpazo of the Bride is upon us! After that they will wish they never choose the world over God himself.

  6. ♥️🌹♥️Harvest Moon Rapture♥️🌹♥️Song Of Elijah♥️🌹♥️
    Lord Jesus I confess I'am a sinner, I believe you die on the cross to save my soul, was buried, and on the third day rose again. I repent of my sins, Please forgive me for my sins, I accept you as my Lord and Savior, I hear your footsteps coming, I hear you knocking on my Heart's Door, Please come in and be Lord of my Life, Amen. Only Jesus knows the condition of you Heart.

  7. Thank you so much for posting on this! I came across AA Allen’s vision two years ago and still share it to friends and family. I haven’t heard Gruver’s vision before and it definitely confirms AA Allen’s vision! I have no doubt this is going to happen and VERY soon! See you in the clouds very soon, dear brother and sister! 🎺🕊

  8. Thank you ELDERS, PASTORS, thank you for sharing this, I had always known in my spirit, that America 🇺🇸, was under judgment from GOD, but I really didn't think it would be this massive, wow, America 🇺🇸 has really sold out to the devil 😈, even the souls of the children are sold out, when they sold them into modern day slavery, TRAFFICKING. blessings from the Caribbean 🇹🇹🇮🇱🇹🇹🇮🇱🇹🇹🇮🇱,

  9. I read today that Iran will have nuclear capability in 10 weeks. Count that far forward and arrive at October 8. Autumnal equinox is Sept. 22 and first New moon after is October 6 (Tishiri 1 or beginning of Rosh Hashanah if it must occur in the fall). Interesting!

  10. Thank you… hanes family 👪. Come Jesus come ..Rapture ready and ready to go 🎷✈️🙌🙏 watch woman 👩 from the Caribbean🎺🎺🎷🎷✈️✈️‼️🙏🙌…. Bear 🐻 hugs. Love ❤ you guys.. We fly✈️soon

  11. OH MY GOODNESS! Back in 2016, I had a dream about the United States being at war – and – LOSING THE WAR!!! Several days ago, Jesus told me in a unique way – to hurry and put up a video about that dream, so I did. I posted it on July 31st. Interesting and telling, is that the ONLY video clip I could find for the beginning of my video for the waves of planes parts, that fit what I was looking for – was of RUSSIAN FIGHTER JETS!!! They're in the video. Blessings

  12. BROTHERS AND SISTERS! I have an urgent prayer request! Please pray for my wife! She’s meeting with her brother and dad and they are not Christian! They have very hostile demeanors and are not very kind. Please pray for her in this encounter! Plead the blood of Jesus over her in the Holy name of our Lord God Almighty! Jesus Christ the Son of God, and our Great Shepherd!

  13. Thanks for posting this. Prophets are attacking the rapture like never before and predicting a great move of God in this country. I’ve been in a few meetings with real prophets over the years and they were the real thing. I don’t understand the prophets of today.

  14. 1 Thessalonians 5:2 1Now about the times and seasons, brothers, we do not need to write to you. 2For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

    3While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

    "Peace and Security " To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war " are among the first very words of the UN Charter (in its Preamble), and those words were the main motivation for creating the United Nations, whose founders had lived through the devastation of two world wars by 1945.


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