In the Bible, a blind man named Bartimaeus cried out to God, asking to see—and he received that and much more. Hear Billy …


  1. Dear all pray for me , I may faithfully carry my God given responsibility

    I may be faithful and truthful bring glory to God in all my relations
    Our Lord Christ may be glorified in and through my life
    Pray for my wife health may be restored well and also pray for my old aged dad
    My brother and his entire family salvation

  2. I've been in a spiritual valley for a while now, an uncertain war, but videos like this have allowed me to pull through, and grow closer to God, tonight as I watch this I feel ever closer to God, and feel his presence and warmth. I've been read his word evernight, and I have never felt such fulfiness and happy in my life. And I hope that others that are lost like me find peace just as I did and truly come to know Jesus as their lord and savior, Amen. ❤🙏💕🙏😇

  3. God bless and thank you Jesus for another true and powerful message thru Dr. Billy Graham who is in heaven with you. channel. Always continue letting the Holy Spirit leading me and help. please allow me to continue hearing his little voice . In Jesus Name I pray. Amen. Praying for everyone who hasn’t had the chance

  4. Matthew 9:18-26( A girl❤ restored❤ to life ❤and a woman ❤healed❤)
    "18 While he( Jesus😊1st❤) was saying these things to them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him(Jesus😊1st ❤), saying,
    " My daughter had just died, bug come and lay your hand on her, and she will live."
    19 And Jesus (😊1st ❤) rose and follow him, with his disiciples( 12).
    20 And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve(12) years came up behind him and touched the fridge of his garment,
    21 for she said to herself, " If I only touch his garment, I will be made well."

    22(a) Jesus(😊1st❤) turn😊❤, and

    her(  " her" and her faith in Jesus😊1st ❤)

    he(Jesus😊1st❤) said ❤,

    " Take heart, daughter( " daughter " when you trust in Jesus😊1st ❤, we are automatic by faith in Jesus😊1st ❤ and God's grace( Ephesians 2:8😊 ❤) become children( sons and daughters) of God too in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray for others healing. In Jesus'name, i pray( Isaiah 53:5; James 5:14-15) Amen.)

    Back to Matthew 9:22 fully in Christ
    "22Jesus(😊1st❤) turn😊❤, and

    her(  " her" and her faith in Jesus😊1st ❤)

    he(Jesus😊1st❤) said ❤,

    " Take heart, daughter😊❤; …." ( ESV)
    ( " Daughter" lead me to Matthew 5:9
    " 9 Blessed are the peacemakers
    , for they shall be called sons( son and daughters or children or " sons" of God ) of  God( 😊100% ❤)."( Matthew 5:9 ESV) )

    your( the bleeding woman's faith)  faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤) has made you well."

    And instanstly( means right away) the woman was made well😊❤."( ESV Study Bible. Imagine you were that woman been 12 years of bleeding unstopped and spent all your money on doctor that doesn't work but the moment you touch Jesus' cloak or touch the fridge of his garment by faith( trust😊❤
    in Jesus😊1st❤) despite stereotype by others  around you and you went through the people and  to touch "fridge of his( Jesus') garment"( Matthew 9:20b ESV)  by faith( trust
    😊❤ in Jesus😊1st❤) then instantly you are heal, what grateful attitude do you have for Jesus😊1st❤? If you were that woman?  Anyways back to Scripture in Matthew 9:23- 26( Remember Jesus was on his way to the ruler's home while by God's grace he had healed  that womans and Jesus still going to the ruler's house you will see in the Scripture in Matthew 9:23, 23-26 now in Jesus'name, i pray( Romans 8:28😊❤with that in mind in Christ
    ). Amen.

    Matthew 9:23-26
    "23 And when Jesus😊1st❤ came to the house( see 🙂 ) and saw the flute players and the crowd making  a commotion, "(  " flute players and crowd"  back then in Jesus' time,  there were people  hired
    " Professional  mourners were customarily hired to assist funeral, (when i was child, i had seen other  people doing it from a distance too and those understand what i said will understand it.) , usually include flutists and wailing women( " Making a commotion"( Maththew 9:23b ESV Study Bible)."
    Since bodies decomposed quickly in Palestine, mourners had to assemble fairly soon after a death."( ESV Study Bible. In this case the ruler's daughter had died so they hired mourners like "… the flute players and the crowd( they were hired)  making a commotion in Matthew 9:23 b ESV Study Bible). Now back to the Scriptures of Matthew 9:23-26
    "23 And when Jesus😊1st❤ came to the house( see 🙂 ) and saw the flute players and the crowd making  a commotion,
    24 he(Jesus😊1st❤) said( ❤),

    " Go away, for the girl is  not dead but sleeping."

    And they laughed at him( my Lord Jesuss😊1st❤).

    25 But when the crowd had been put outside( that mean before they were making commotion inside the house and now perhap the ruler listen to Jesuss😊1st❤ put them outside),
    he ( Jesus😊1st❤)

    went in ❤

    ( the dead girl or the ruler's daughter laying dead or sleeping like Jesus said)

    by her hands❤( that mean Jesuss😊1st❤ touch her hand),

    the girls😊❤ aroses😊❤.

    26 And the report of this
    went through all that district."( Matthew 9:18-26 ESV, if you were Jesus' disciples ( 12), the ruler and the flute players and the crowd saw how Jesus had healed this dead girl from dead to "…the girl rose."( Matthew 9:25b ESV Study Bible) what is going through your mind in Christ?
    May Jesus 😊1st❤ heal your broken hearts if you lost someone you dearly love. In Jesus'name, i pray(  Jesus loves you( John 14:21😊❤). May Jesus heal others in our generation and may more and more  lost souls be awaken to turn to  trust God ( and trust in Jesus😊1st❤ too as your personal savior( Jesus😊1st❤) too. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen.

    John 14:6❤😊
    " 6 Jesus answered,
    " I am
               the way ❤😊
                the truth ❤😊
                 the life😊❤.

    No one


    to the Father( God, our Father in heaven )


    through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.

  5. Matthew 9:27-30(Jesus 😊1st ❤
    heals two blind men❤❤)
    "27 And as Jesus (😊1st ❤) passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud,

    "Have mercy on us, Son of David."

    28 When he(Jesus 😊1st ❤)
    entered the house,
    the blind men camd to him,

    and Jesus (😊1st ❤) said to them,

    " Do you believe that I can able to do this? "

    They said to him,

    " Yes Lord(Jesus 😊1st ❤)."

    29 Then he(Jesus😊1st ❤)

    their 😊❤😊❤😊

    " According to

    your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤)
    be it done to you."

    30 And their eyes(.❤.❤

    were opened(
    (0 0)❤

    (0 0)❤).

    And Jesus😊1st❤ sternly warned them,
    " See that no one knows about it.

    31 But they
    went away
    And spread his(Jesus😊1st❤'s)

    through all
    district. "
    ( Matthew 9:27-31 ESV Study Bible)

    Today you come to Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord (Jesus😊1st❤) and our savior(Jesus😊1st❤) by faith( " faith " to me is trust Jesus😊1st❤) ) with eyes❤❤
    , minds❤❤
    , and hearts❤
    ❤ of faith like the two blind men with faith just like Jesus😊1st❤ said to them,
    " According to

    your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤)
    be it done to you." "( Matthew 9:29b ESV Study Bible. Today, do you too also have faith( trust in Jesus😊1st ❤) in Jesus😊1st ❤? If you do then according to your faith by the Name of Jesus i pray for your healing by Jesus😊1st ❤. In Jesus'name, i pray( Jesus😊1st ❤) Amen.

    Matthew 9:29-30
    "29 Then he(Jesus😊1st ❤)

    their 😊❤😊❤😊

    " According to

    your faith( trust in Jesus😊1st❤)
    be it done to you."

    30 And their eyes(.❤.❤

    were opened(
    (0 0)❤

    (0 0)❤).

    And Jesus😊1st❤ sternly warned them,
    " See that no one knows about it. "( Matthew 9:29-30 ESV Study Bible)


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