Unbelievable nonsense! This script writer gave the king the same intelligences as himsel; where the king cannot remember that the husband did not want a second wife but would proceed to punish the woman on mere hearsay. I think that this script writer, apart from being one of the greatest promoters of NIGERANITIS, really hates Nigeria. Why else would he keep portraying Nigerians as wicked, cruel and senseless? Anything that he writes is always about wrongful accusations, abuse, cruelty, prolong pain and suffering and a brief confession at the end. Nonsense!
Papa Agatha is now giving her daughter out for married free of charge.3 wife ooh 6 wife ooh and even 7chaii Agatha are you a chicken that your father is now given you out for free of charge just like that ?????
This king is not wise at all how can the same people he judged and he saw how determined they were to destroy this marriage and he is still believing them and passing this kind of judgment to the innocent woman.these 2 evil elders won't go unpunished from episode 1 till now they are still evil.after killing all the brother's sons he mad him mad.acholacho is supposed to mind his business but he is here supporting his wicked friend and the king is really supposing them what a shame
He wanted Uchechi to go mad but the charm got his brother first ?? Ogiri is very wicked, only because of a second wife , your son is useless but you always following your brother’s house up and down
Bride price zero…wife free.. this scene was very funny?? papa Agatha really wants Agatha to get out of his house, for him to pay someone to go announce free wife in the corners of the community ???
Is this king stupid… didn't this man say that he did not want a second in front of him last time or my memory fading from waiting so long for the episodes
Am so disappointed at this king ? how could he just believe in these evil two men that Uchechi is the one behind her husband's madness? ?
❤from ??
Unbelievable nonsense! This script writer gave the king the same intelligences as himsel; where the king cannot remember that the husband did not want a second wife but would proceed to punish the woman on mere hearsay. I think that this script writer, apart from being one of the greatest promoters of NIGERANITIS, really hates Nigeria. Why else would he keep portraying Nigerians as wicked, cruel and senseless? Anything that he writes is always about wrongful accusations, abuse, cruelty, prolong pain and suffering and a brief confession at the end. Nonsense!
Evil men they are telling king to make it 4days to banish the woman
This is Canada awwwwww????
This elders will never change ???. Agatha is giving her father heart attack??
Mr. Nose and his friend are real evil and wicked????but no peace for the wicked just wait for the tables to turn around
Lolz in the book.eeeh I don't know the chapter now or book??? Agatha's father will not kill me with his friend Mr smelling mouth ??
Haha ? look at them confused men.insulting themselves ???
Next session pls
Papa Agatha is now giving her daughter out for married free of charge.3 wife ooh 6 wife ooh and even 7chaii Agatha are you a chicken that your father is now given you out for free of charge just like that ?????
Thanks for uploading this wonderful movie let enjoy
Ho bring the case to you evil men you are not a wise king at all
So Agatha's father is the president
While Johnson's father is the Deputy.
? ? of the same feather, flocks together
Ogili has finally succeeded in making his brother mad with his fake apologies ???
I jus loved the way Chizy laughed at Onny when he said he was going to talk to her dad
Agatha is really her father daughter but the opposite of is father she is a good girl ???????
There is no peace for the wicked this two men will soon regret for their wicked
This king is not wise at all how can the same people he judged and he saw how determined they were to destroy this marriage and he is still believing them and passing this kind of judgment to the innocent woman.these 2 evil elders won't go unpunished from episode 1 till now they are still evil.after killing all the brother's sons he mad him mad.acholacho is supposed to mind his business but he is here supporting his wicked friend and the king is really supposing them what a shame
This is becoming a stupid movie and all this wicked action of 2 persons for what land and only greed . And later they will cry is the devil
Fuck the person that write this movie
Thanks so much Nollywood Realnolly TV ? for uploading.
Ajolajo ???? Onny telling his soon to be father inlaw to repent from his evil ways
I’m enjoying this movie the way I’m enjoying broken secret ?? there is something about these two movies
I am enjoying these two evil friends, they will abuse each others very good but still plan their dirty deeds
He wanted Uchechi to go mad but the charm got his brother first ?? Ogiri is very wicked, only because of a second wife , your son is useless but you always following your brother’s house up and down
These two men are very evil, they are going to reap all the evil seeds that they sow
Soo Agatha’s father is Ogiri’s mentor ????
Njideka chasing Papa Agatha with a cutlers ?????
Bride price zero…wife free.. this scene was very funny?? papa Agatha really wants Agatha to get out of his house, for him to pay someone to go announce free wife in the corners of the community ???
Achoooooolacho ?????
This is Canada ?????
No peace for the wicked
This man has succeeded in making his brother mad
Two evil men quoting the bible ?????
This movie is nice. I am here for the two wicked elders
? this two old men ???? the Bible part ?♀️????
Because he is useless Uncle Joseph will kill me with ????
This man will never change ooo, desperately man ???????
Always a pleasure watching you guys channel, waiting for the finale ?
This king is bias. He is not a wise king.
Anita’s father is very funny ??anyhow even people that carry’s shit ?free I will sponsor the marriage ? 31:16
These men are wicked.
Thanks for uploading
Ngideka and Chizzy keep it up the way you are dealing with your fathers
Is this king stupid… didn't this man say that he did not want a second in front of him last time or my memory fading from waiting so long for the episodes