In this video, Bishop David Abioye revealed why he started my own Ministry #bishopdavidabioye #bishopdavidoyedepo …


  1. This statement is not about starting "his own ministry." The programme is an outflow of what he has been doing all along. It is only an outreach ministry. Retirement did not mean redundant. He will not be the first minister to retire from an organisation. Those of you who do not understand how church organisations work and wants to speak for the church should be careful of misleading people.

  2. This would have be done earlier, and a big lesson for others, church business is strongly tied to family inheritance no matter how nice you are to the overseer they will never cede control to somebody outside their blood line

  3. You people will explain tired. All what you wanted is that Bishop Abioye should be criticizing Bishop Oyedepo but that is not happening and you want to do that for him. What is special in what he has saying, telling us that God directed him to do something. All you wanted is for him to attack Bishop Oyedepo. You people are shameless, taking panadol for another man's headache

  4. I thought Bishop Abioye said sometime ago when he was asked why he's still with Bishop Oyedepo intead of going to open his church like others, he said he was not called to open a church. So the retirement has suddenly activated him to open his church and hope he's not going to build a church because they're not called to build churches but people that will gather under the trees to hear his message since churches will not go to heaven, in Bible synagogues or Temple are built for the people to go and worship.


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