Veganism, Top Christian Movies,  and Moving Outside the Country?  | Daily Disciple Q&A

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  1. Though I obviosly believe that humans are made in gods image, I refuse to kill bugs or any animals. I eat meat, but I will never intentionally kill an animal. I believe that unless we need food or need to protect ourselves or others, god doesn’t need us or want us to kill animals

  2. 22?😯Never would have thought! I'm also 22. God uses the young and the old for His glory. Your ministry has and is still helping a lot of people, especially those struggling with pornography. Mmay God keep you and sustain you.

  3. You know think that people you think. They got life always wonder are they lying to themselve. To know everything and be good at everything is hard. Even if you think being kind is enough to bring joy to people. There are something we don't know about that person. Also fear that being comfortable will lead to a life without GOD. If everything is easy then life would be pointless. We would never grow or learn. After all we learn for our ups and downs.

  4. Thank you Isaac for answering my question about how to deal with discouragement! Reason why I was discouraged was because a few days ago I found out I didn’t get into a theatre program that I wanted to get in for my third year at uni and I auditioned for it but didn’t make the cut. And sad enough a few friends made the cut and I didn’t, but good news is God reminded me to not get so worked up over it and trust His timing because He has a better plan for me than I could ever plan. I can still re-audition for the program which is great but just got to remind myself be patient and God is looking out for me because He is a good good father!

  5. Not many vegans/vegetarians think animals are morally equavilant to humans. It's just that we do not think it is good to kill them simply for the pleasure of their taste if we don't need to. I also get very irritated by the way many meat-eaters will treat certain animals very different from others. Like getting really angry about people eating dogmeat or killing whales, but not seeing that when they eat meat they are doing the exact same thing. There's no moral difference between the life of a dog or the life of a pig.

  6. I think if the treating and killing of animals was more humane this wouldn’t be such an issue, given that we do need a certain amount of meat in our diet, but If I’m being honest I don’t know how that could be changed.

  7. I sincerely mean this that you are doing a great job. And you really are helping people, you’ve helped me. Though I’m not God (not even close😭) and I don’t fully know your situation, I think God talks through me when I say you fit in great doing this.

  8. Idk if u read comments, but thank u for teaching me more about God, I’ve gotten closer to him this year because of u and other tiktoks that teach more about him ❤️

  9. I feel the opposite as you when it comes to meat. If you feel guilty eating meat, fine. That makes sense. But, it's not healthy for most humans to not eat meat. We have teeth for a reason and there is more evidence that it's good for you than bad for you. There's no link to heart disease and red meat.

  10. About not eating meat, it's mostly because they raise and kill the animals in a bad way. They have them in cages and they kill them slowly and painfully (for example, with pigs they castrate them without any pain killers and when they are little babies, auch).

    God created animals inferior to us, yes, but He didn't want us to mistreat them like that.

    I think we all should eat less meat (because of the environmental problem that overpopulation of farm animals cause), and try buying the meat (or any animal product) from places where they raise them freely and kill them quickly.

    (I eat meat, so, not judging here).

  11. Dude, have you ever read the Autobiography of George Muller? It is an awesome example of being responsible yet relying fully on God. I highly recommend it, if your mum didn't already make you read it. 😉 But, you can skip the book report. Just read it! 😄


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