Get ready for fresh inspiration at the 2023 #ThisIsILS. We’re bringing dedicated leaders committed to instilling #ValiantLeadership …


  1. 🙏🏼 I pray I can attend. I moved from Philadelphia Pa to Midtown Dallas Texas. I attended your Christmas service and entered the new year with you as well. I became a member Sunday morning after your daughter’s teaching. I’ll receive my certificate in 7-10 days. My goal is that my overflow will be as great as the Niagara Falls. The lord has put in my heart that my overflow will pay for THE POTTERS HOUSE electricity bill every month for as long as I live.

  2. The greatest leadership I know
    is you Bishop T.D Jakes you
    lead with love and peace with joy
    and happiness and respect. you
    never looked down on no one
    I never hear your name in no
    kind of mess God bless you
    and thank you for being the
    great man of God you are.

  3. Thank you Lord for your blessings doing good times and bad times because the bad times strengthen you even more and turn out to be a greater blessing in Jesus name amen


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