– #unplanned …


  1. All the comments are sharing wonderful stories about the result of choosing not to have an abortion, and that is perfectly okay. That's what pro choice is about. No one should be forced to have an abortion if they don't want to, and no one should be forced to give birth. Simple. Your view of life is not every one else's. Women should have access to safe abortion and not be shamed for it. No one wants abortions, ( or at least a majority of pro choicers dont) but if we want to prevent abortions we should focus on preventing pregnancies rather than forcing birth

  2. This movie is factually incorrect. It uses medically incorrect terms and is basically just pro life propaganda. Also Abby’s story has a lot of parts to it that can be disproved ( research it) and the movie also doesn’t accurately portray abortions or planned parenthood in general ( again all you need to do is research it).

  3. Gag! James Dobson mentioned up front and an actual appearance by Mike Lindell at the end of the movie. What was I thinking when I thought this would be an autobiographical movie not an overacted, sensational flick. Nice lighting, by the way, to make both women look like Satan's sisters when they were in the "POC" room.

  4. ive dream of this last April 2021, many pregnant women and does abortions when they does this thing my body hurts. dont submits to this kind of wickednss, love your body as your self. Bible says you shall murder, their is life in your body.

  5. Weird Christians are anti-this but pro such devotion to God they’d sacrifice their children as if they were an item of their property to him like the entire point behind the story of Abraham and Isaac. Just an ironic viewpoint is all.

  6. I'm so grateful for the creation of this movie! Reading other comments below is really hard, seeing other people's standpoints on abortion. I'm completely pro-life, but I also consider myself pro-mother. People struggle so much in society today keeping their babies because of the pain they go through afterwards. If you're raped as a teenage girl, and have no support, whether you consider abortion murder or not it will feel like the only option. Instead of shaming people for getting abortions, we should be out trying to help those who are still pregnant find a home for or a way to raise their child. I find abortion evil and wrong, and I truly consider the baby inside you to be a separate life from your own, but I would never hate on someone who has had an abortion. Let's learn to love everyone, those who have had abortions, those who are pregnant in any circumstance, and those proudly raising their children on their own.

  7. I used to be Pro life. Until My 9yr old niece was gang raped in texas and due to the abortion law in texas she was still not allowed to get an abortion so she was forced to go through with the pregnancy. Due to her being underdeveloped her body was to weak and she and the baby both died while going into labor. So seeing what these pro life people are doing is very disgusting.

  8. When I watch it I think Conservative and some-Pro-lifer don't give a shite about you, so unborn your good when born your fuck, Until you are 14 or 17 then they think just right what they are look for, Conservative and some-Pro-lifer want poor kid so they send them to Iraq. And to add some scene say oa they don't want pay welfare for single mom but they love to attack Iraq,Iran and non-White countries.

  9. This is pathetic and bullshit. Do you know that even God himself killed thousands of children in Egypt during passover and didn't feel an ounce of remorse. He did not even blink or give a shit.


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