This amazing masterpiece will make your day…a breath of fresh air, you can’t afford to miss this one. A must watch for everyone.


  1. Bros, these Nollywood Movie Script Writers have Nigeria Reaching another Low;

    Imagine this Woman at a Construction Building Site Collecting a Fee from People who don’t have anywhere else to Sleep, so they Must Sleep at an Incomplete Building?

    Like Who Does that?

    Why would she Collect Money from these Homeless People?

    I can understand, if she has too many People, she may wish to Turn People away but to Accept Money from these Homeless People, is Inhumane.

  2. What a Marvellous and Convincing Story;

    Wow, the Writers of this Movie Script, deserve to be Honoured for inventing a Movie such as this.

    And just when the Viewers thought they had this Entire Movie Script Figured out,

    the Viewers got caught by Surprise.

    that Elder Woman, Roaming the Streets and looking for her Twins, had nothing to do with the Car Sales Woman and the Beggar who became a Direct Sales Marketer.

    This is a Very well produced Movie, as well as some Good Acting by all Casted Members.

    Very Nice Gig!

  3. Sometimes, we just need that little support/push to make it in life.. Some of us aren't lazy,we just don't have helpers😢may God come through for us🙏 a lot to be learnt in this movie❤


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