Undestanding Men and Women's needs

Watch the complete message (playlist):

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:55:57. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. I agree with you … I’m not married either but this message blessed me a lot … I know God is preparing me … not allowing me to make this mistakes that cost you a lot

  2. My sign says “Always open!” LOL! I agree, I make our home a joy. I’m on my 2nd marriage and my goal is to serve and love my husband. I love that man! Dr. Myles Munroe is a man that teaches the Word and principles that create success. He’s awesome!

  3. @KingdomVoice I agree. Women should listen to the song on T.D Jakes’ Love album (really old album) called Lord Lift Her Up by Jesse Campbell. It’s a husbands cry for God to fill the void in his wife that he can’t. I always listened and sang along when I was younger and never understood until a few days ago ( older now) when I popped in the album after years. We look to the sons of Adam to affirm our value when we should look to God. Easier said than done but, it can be done.

  4. i think that you should listen carefully to this message again especially the part with affection, not because the children isnt mentioned but all that comes with showing the affection to you women. washing the dishes sweeping the house , cooking and so on

  5. @DaughterOfYashua
    This is one aspect out the many he talks about. Check his other sermons on youtube, he touches base on different things. You cant be broad when you want people to get some in detail. I agree communication and understanding is the key

  6. The same is true for men if he doesn’t understand women NEED for affection he puts his marrige in danger, if the don’t know God it will probably ends in infidelity, if the know God, in the best of cases you have a malfuntional marrige. explaning why something might happend is not making an excuse for it, but is good information to prevent it for happening. like u said the most important thing is communication.

  7. thanks 4 ur comment. the car thing is only an analogy, of course women are far far more than a car, the point he is tring to make is that LOVE is more than a feeling, is showing affecttion even when u don’t “feel” like it. U can have a fake gesture without love, but u can’t have love without expressing it every way u can, again even when u don’t feel like it, which it doesn’t make it fake. It is fake only if u do it out of selfish motives. doing it because the other person needs it’s call LOVE


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