Understanding What Love Really Is BY DR MYLES MUNROE ( You can't miss this one 🙅‼️)

This video has been posted as promised from my previous video, where i explain in detail what has been shared in this video with …


  1. The word the tools of God gets us pass how we were wired from Sinise a Happy Wife happy life miserable Husband a Man is going to be a Man that's all sin Nature No God no Love know God Know Love Agape love no strings attached

  2. For me this video has helped me see God's love in a deeper light! God's blessings on the person who posted this. Pastor Myles, it will be an honour to walk upto you in heaven, hug you and tell you thank you!

  3. AGAPE is all within a decision to commit and to do the work both ways and enjoy the benefits of a connection all Glory to God… however this does not include disingenuousness from people who I try to meet halfway where they are…being Christ like and supportive with their personal journey… this is where I use more boundaries and detach from the negative draining energy.

  4. This was an incredible message by Dr Myles Monroe I definitely wish had obtain this kinda of wisdom before got married because probably wouldn't say yes because I saw the signs of his behavior but ignore it. I must admit it's all my fault can't even blame him even though I didn't deserve to be abused physically it's all because he wasn't heal but a broken man inside it's truly important who you marry must take that seriously as long says if I could t

  5. could turn back the hand's of time but if God allows me to every get married again I'm definitely going to use this knowledge to my advantage Dr Myles Monroe was a incredible teaching in the word this kinda teaching wish had more of now days

  6. (FACTS OVA FEELINGS) WEE Assume tha LOVE Hurts because the example of LOVE set by hOUR PARENTS Interaction with Us is hOUR current definition of LOVE whenever Wee Seek LOVE az an ADULT Wee Unconsciously Manifest Scenario tha Recreates the Feeling Wee Experience during hOUR CHILDHOOD Interaction with hOUR PARENTS


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