You can purchase the complete teaching via the link below. Available on CD, DVD, MP3 & MP4

Everybody comes to earth, but you decide how much of your-self is manifested. Answer the five most important questions of life; Who Am I? Where Am I from? Why Am I Here? What Can I do? Where Am I Going? Dr. Munroe teaches how to truly discover and understand your life’s purpose and how to discover the principles necessary to live your best life to get you on track to fulfilling your destiny.

#drmylesmunroe #mylesmunroe

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:54:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Lord have mercy. For my entire life I never lasted in any job and I have always wondered why? 😭 😭 and studying to be a supervisor and management and i never felt good and happy about it. I feel like doing it to be in the working industry and I asked God for me not repeat history after i finish. During his teaching I remembered what was my dream as a child and now i am 42 years old. I dont know how i am going to accomplish it. But my Sovereign God knows how and i will wait and see. Glory to God for great teachers of his word and divine helpers.

  2. Praise to the Lord for his purpose in my life. I woke up the 29th day of December 2020 to pray and fast and I don’t know we’re to start from but the lord took me to this YouTube channel and make me new again thank you Lord.

  3. Love from Africa UGANDA🇺🇬🙏
    I love this man if God for his God given wisdom and teaching.may his soul RIP and his legacy lives on.

  4. How can you not love this man? I have listened to all the greats of “Christianity”. No one taught the Kingdom. And no one was so powerfully passionate and confident in what he taught. This man led me to My purpose in life, actually helped find what was hidden.

    • We are all naked to death nobody can escape death When it comes knocking regarding how many security guards you have nothing humbles people like death nobody even ask for bank account balance When on death bed RIP men from dust you come and to the dust you return The righteous and committed Godly people don’t die but they only rest from the cares of this evil world guy’s


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