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  1. I was introduced to Dr. Munroe through my brother. He is a wonderful teacher of the Word of God. He explains it so simple a child can understand. I realize I have been taught the Word of God so wrong. Because I was never taught about the Kingdom of God. Listen to Dr. Munroe will really change you thinking process and that is because the Holy Spirit has put this in his heart to share with those who were taught wrong are who never knew about the Word of God. His messages are so powerful and most of all sound doctrine of the Bible. I like how he explains things about kingdom life and then back it up with scriptures. He’s very very knowledgeable about the Bible.


    Most of the Jews of Jesus' day believed in an imminent Day of Judgment– a large Citizenship Court Hearing, that a new king, called the Messiah, would conduct following his arrival to oust the Romans from Judea.

    For those Jews who had been faithful to God, the Jewish prophets promised citizenship in this coming kingdom–the new, independent, theocratic, Jewish government the Messiah would set up, beginning in Jerusalem and, from there, eventually, spreading to all the rest of the earth!

    To be clear, this "Kingdom of God," was not some pie in the sky, but a real, earthly government, with a lot of people working in many of the administrative positions, and all the perks that would go with them, like nice places to live!

    This new state of Israel was the "inheritance" God promised the Jewish people once they repented of their sins. But it was obvious, especially in Jesus' day, that not all the Jews were living according to what the Law of Moses and the Prophets said they should, but just doing whatever they could get away with under Roman rule, to live it up, even at the expense of their fellow Jews!

    These errant Jews were called "sinners," and the ones thought to be the worst sinners were the "publicans," those who collected taxes for Rome by defrauding their fellow Jews.

    The faithful Jews, however, believed the Messiah would grant citizenship in the new Jewish government only to the observant Jews, and the "sinners and publicans" would be exiled and regarded no better than all the other Gentiles, if not worse!

    Jesus of Nazareth spoke about this coming Citizenship Court Day, but he added another element to it–that many of those who were claiming to be the most righteous for all their outward piety would actually end up worse off than the "sinners and publicans"! He said they would not only fail to receive some of the really good jobs in the new government of the Messiah, but would not even get citizenship at all!

    In fact, he said the Messiah was going to look at all their phony good works as if they are just a bunch of dry sticks and have them (the fake good works, that is) all "burned up"! Then, they'd have to leave and, in effect, be thrown out into the "cold" of exile from the kingdom and, as they're leaving, they would be crying ("weeping") and their teeth would begin chattering, ("gnashing") from the metaphorical sense of "darkness" and "cold" they're going to feel when, in complete contrast to all their expectations, they'll end up being the LAST ones to ever get their citizenship!

    However, it's not that Jesus said anyone, not even the self-righteous, would NEVER get their "green card" in the coming kingdom of God. He did say the "sinners and publicans" would get theirs beforehand!

    But let's be clear, it's nuts to think Jesus' many warnings to the self-righteous and fake pious people of his day would result in, themselves, getting burned alive in some spirit world after they die! It was only due to a real misunderstand of Jesus' teachings about fake good works getting "burned up" by later Greco-Roman converts to Christianity who thought he meant to say the exiled would, themselves, get burned alive!

    Thing is, there are false preachers and teachers who are perpetuating this mistaken idea as if it were really true!

    The real question, though, is whether or not Jesus truly believed in the coming of a literal Jewish state run by a special king! It would appear that he did not! Sure, he spoke about the coming "Kingdom" in the terms most of his listeners would understand…but only to call out the religious hypocrisy he felt had run rampant in his day. Toward the end of his ministry, he began to openly say what HE considered the REAL "Kingdom of God" to be– a "place" located only in the hearts and minds of PEOPLE (Luke 17:20-21)!

    Rick Lannoye, author of Got questions? Go to

  3. Shalom this is true teachings of the Scripture that the Massiah Yahusha was teaching his disciples to teach the people and the World nothing else As he said seek he first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things shall be added after prays Yahuah for his servant and Son and Friend pastor Myles Munroe for his understanding of the Scripture through obedience to the Spirit to teach the kingdom of the Most High to his people Halleluyah.

  4. Before now I don't use to understand what the Bible says about kingdom but now through this God sent minister of the kingdom. I'm no longer afraid of the word kingdom because I understands it. God thank you for sending this servent of yours on earth. My life had change and my understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  5. ❤🎉As Descendants of Abraham I'm in agreement with all Believers in the Royal Family of Faith according to God's Will and Purpose We Decree and Declare this Prayer is Answered Generationally in Jesus Name for His Name Sake Amen 😇🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥💡 All Praise Honor and Glory be to God Our Father 💞 His Eternal Love Protects Us Daily!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I like the teachings of Dr. Myles about the kingdom. And they renew me everytime I listen them. But I doubt how practical this teachings are in the day to day life of the believer. Please explain if I am missing something, is this practical?


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