You can purchase the complete album via the link below. Available on CD, DVD, MP3 & MP4. The King, …


  1. Wait a minute… When did he preach this message?! His passionate stance of not comprising on the so called, "same sex marriage" is SO relevant today in 2021.
    Dr. Myles passed away November
    9 2014 and the " same sex marital union " was passed in the USA June 2015, more than 6 months after his passing.
    The Spirit of the LORD had to be leading him to speak out vehemently as he did seeing how outspoken supporters of the LQBTQ+ are today and how silent or lukewarm the " Christian" or Church leaders are today… SMH.

  2. You should say "didn't that sermon strike my heart? Didn't that message exactly relate to my condition? Wasn't it a rebuke that I deserved, a word of reproof or of exhortation? Let me take it to heart that which I have heard and let me not judge the preacher, for he is God's messenger to my soul.

    2 Thessalonians 1: 7-9

    Do you obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Acts 19 : 2-6

    Have you receive the holy Spirit

  3. Proverbs 28:9 If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable. This is GODS WORD, like any WORDS in The BIBLE.
    If you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, then you must believe in Gods scriptures, not your pastor or (religion)
    Heed the WARNING. and GOD is Very Clear on this MATTER. Remember, These is GODS Words, Not Mine.
    Turn your Bible to ; Jeremiah 27:15 and 14:14
    Jeremiah 5:21 "Hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear.
    Jeremiah 27:15 For I have not sent them,' declares the LORD, 'and yet they are prophesying falsely in My name; therefore I will BANISH you and you will perish–you and the prophets who prophesy to you.'".'"
    And they will say; ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
    and this means, you are WAISTING your LIFE by following them " Preachers " And they lead us to HELL..

  4. Many people were being educated on the kingdom that were meant for us to understand, i really feel that was a threat to world leaders who do not want us to wake up to reality of our king. In my humble opinion I think his death was…….

  5. Send your Word and me and all my house, in mind body souls and spirit is whole. My ministry and my finances and provisions overflowing! Thank you King Jesus Christ amen 🙏

  6. I woke up this morning and listened to a Bible teaching on my phone. It mentioned the Glory of God. Not sure what that meant, i Googled it and read several definitions. I Google the Glory of God and still i was not sure of it. Then my phone suddenly showed me a number of Pastors who preached on the Glory of God. And then i came across Dr Munroe. I just had the feeling to listen to him. And when he spoke about Kings and Kingdoms and how Jesus is a King, the authority of a King's word and how his kingdom shows you who they are before you meet the King, i finally understood. Since i have never lived under a king but only a president, i never thought of Jesus as a real King but now i do. Thank you Dr Munroe for your teaching. I'm going to send your teaching to my sisters and friends. They need to hear this!

  7. After listening to Dr Myles' many expositions on how God is really a King of an eternal kingdom…though I have always seen Him more as a powerful Father and God…I now realize why His Fire always falls more when we sing praises to Him as King…especially in my native Yoruba language👑👑🔥🔥🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♂️


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