A historical and biblical analysis of Oneness Pentecostalism.


  1. Greetings Mr. Richardson. I pray you will be fully well soon.
    Have you ever debated Mr. Jerry Hayes? He and another oneness recently were engaged in a debate with two trinitarians included Dr. Edward Dalcour.

  2. St.John 17:3. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

    Questions for believers in the trinity, to consider:

    (1) What does “only true God” refer to?

    (2) Did Jesus as the Son, pray to the only true God?

    (3) If not, is there more than one true God, if it is accepted that Jesus prayed to the only true God?

    (4) Is there a difference with the Father being the only true God, and only the Father being the true God?

    (5) If there is, then you might want to look again at question (2).

    (6) The Father being the only true God in the forementioned verse, does this negate Jesus as the true God in 1John 5:20?

    (7) I guess your answer for (6) is no, correct?

    (8) Your “acceptance” of the Father being the only true God, and Jesus being the true God, how do you justify your denial that it must imply that Jesus is the Father?

    (9) The Father being the only true God, does the “only” only qualify the state of the person, and not the person himself, or, does “only true God” refer only to the only true nature, but does not refer to the person of the nature, the Father?

    (10) I have the one true human nature, which is the only true human nature which is shared with all of mankind. Does this make it true that I am the only true human on this earth?

    (11) If no to question (10), then what is the real truth behind the statement “the Father is the only true God?

    (12) Can it be denied that the statement “the Father is the only true God” is something that is said of the Father, and not only of his nature?

    (13) Did Jesus as the Son, have a God who was His only true God?

    (14) If yes to (13) then what does the expression “the only true God” in the verse, refer to?


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