1. That was the best 5 minutes I’ve ever spent watching a video on YouTube…

    We should All pray like these Great Men Of God…

    With Full Trust and Full Faith, our Prayers can melt snow and move mountains….

    God Is My Saving Grace… All that I have ever searched for in this world I found In HIM ALONE. He’s All we need and then some…

  2. Reading those stories sparked a passion in my heart. I recall a day when I was reading one of such stories in a book. There was no electricity and my computer could only be on for like 30 minutes. But I saw the power of God maintaining it for more than an hour. And it was only when it was time to pray after I finished reading what was in my heart that the computer could go off. I always ask God for the privilege of waisting my youth and life on Him and Him alone. May it be your prayer as well in Jesus’ name. 🙏🏾

  3. At'times i wonder were i will stood if Stephen will comout and said I'm a young man preach the gospel and i was stone to death, i wonder hw i will feel when shedrack, meshac&Abednego we say we didn't defile ourself, we remain pure As young men, Oh Lord i wouldn't give up, till i see mysef living the greater life of impartation that i so desire, Amen.

  4. I have asked the Lord to melt the snow of my heart. I want for Him to take away the icyness that has me prioritize many other things over time with Him. Lord, may my heart be warmed with the love of You. May I be so transformed by Your Spirit that all I want is You, and Your will for my life. 🙏

  5. Lord…. Forgive the church of prayerlessness…. I repent as well… May this generation be a generation who have prayed like never before in history…. May we all have fervent prayer lives… in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏻

  6. Leonard Ravenhill, one of a small handful prophet's of God. God bless him, he was banned in many churches because he told the truth and didn't make any apologies for it, and because he didn't water down the serious warnings in the Bible he was banished. This generation wasn't worthy of Holy men of God like Ravenhill, Wilkerson, and just a few others. What we have today is not Biblical Christianity, what we have today is "churchianity." Don't hurt peoples feeling by telling it like it is, don't tell people that God requires His people to live a righteous, holy, and obedient life, rather water down the truth so the church doesn't loose income. After all if people are told what they want to hear the offering plate is FULL, but if you tell it like it is just like the way the Lord told it like it was then the offering plate will be very small, and many people will not come back. We all love a Christianity the doesn't make any demands on us. Like a dog turning in it's own vomit. God help us.

  7. saw a doc about the guy that writ the song amazing grace he was left on an island with rich dark land owners they treated him like a slave for about 4/5 yrs then he got sent back to england and he became a christian as he asked God to let him be set free from the land owners i love the line amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me amen to that look at the great men of the Bible moses noah paul king david elijah they had to suffer for Christ sake they were nothing like these fake televangelists copeland duplantis whom call themselves prophets they dont even stand in a older Biblical prophets shoes those guys suffered hatred torture humiliation and they were dirt poor copeland duplantis dollar joyce myers they need to repent of their fake money hungry greedy ways their all covetous ppl that word means greedy an want more or want what others have they aint christians……..but yeh these men that humbled themselves God lifted them thats what kc jdp need humbling big time

  8. I mean I mean the lord's spirit guides us to pray. And the parable of the workers in the field who all got the same price I believe teaches us differently. Yes we should pray, but that doesn't make you better than others because what you're given all comes from Christ. Even your will and desire to pray. So be careful not to become prideful.

  9. After hearing this wonderful message now I realized that I wasted my life.. I could have done much better for my God and His kingdom but I failed to acknowledge due to my earthly appetite… Now im seeking my God's intervention in my life to lead my life as He always wanted.. I know my God will use me for His Glory. Amen

  10. the TRUE church will/does shine forth from/during persecution. we are NOT called to have an easy life. Jesus Christ had one ? really, no no. as Christ gave His all – why why will we not. we should I F we ' love ' as we say we do. The true……. church WILL shine Gods GLORY when the fire of persecution comes and purity will be running like PURE gold. As there be no blemish – just vessels totally SOLD out to God.

  11. A small gift to the one who put this magnificent clip together. I looked directly into the eyes of Godly Leonard, several times. And I know about the guy who made the long video of Godly Leonard in his office and I'm glad it is available. But I sat in that seat. The same seat Keith Green and David Wilkinson and a few others sat in. Godly Leonard was my teacher, the classroom was his office with the door closed. 7 encounters. 7 prayer meetings. 7 butt kickings. 7 times I saw him break under the weight of the burden of the churches bastardizing the Holy Name of Jesus. Especially Last Days Ministries. And the last time I saw him I stopped by on my way back down to Belize with supplies in late 94. We corresponded while I was serving in Central America but I had to destroy the correspondence long afterwords because his frail, printed hand writing and Martha's on the envelope began to mean something to me. My last memory is of Godly Leonard and Godly Martha and myself out in their yard, holding hands in a circle. Within the prayer he said, "And give our dear brother a safe passage into Belize because of the trouble he will have". I haven't had any troubles going into Belize but that was part of his and Martha's prayer for me so I knew it was coming. And while I was driving a truck full of supplies through Mexico, I took all the paperwork from the US/Mexico border crossing that I needed to get into Belize and threw it all out the window somewhere in Mexico. All of it. Just so I could see the Hand of God move. At the boarder – Paperwork please. I don't have any paperwork. I do have these supplies for Acers of Love Childrens Home in Punta Gorda and a lot of Baptist Hymnals from Leonard Ravenhill's best friend, Dr. Bob Roberts. The guards all gather around me. Talking with one another saying, he has no paperwork at all and songbooks from Bob Roberts…Go through. Thank you, and here are some Hershey Chocolate bars for your kids.
    A testimony for the person who put this clip together. God bless you.


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