Ultimate Documentary On William Seymour

Cloud of Witnesses Series- The Ultimate Documentary on William Seymour, the Azusa Revival and insight we can learn from …


  1. Glory be to God, my Brother I am 100% with you, that is my heart's desire to see a great revival like that in our life time. It is time for the real gospel to preach. Please do not stop pushing. Ceremony tradition, taking over the church, the gospel of men not Jesus.

  2. This is encouraging but discouraging at the same time to hear all of the strife That came as a result if people just stick with the word of God these things don’t need to happen I don’t understand why can’t people just get along follow the Bible

  3. Thank you and God bless you, This has stirred up my desire to seek the Lord through constant prayer and be Holy provoked. We are not experiencing this great revival because many of us have ignored the basic message of God, which is Prayer, Constant daily relationship and Holiness. I pray that God will give us the heart to desire more and to get closer to Him. He is coming very soon and we will have to get Ready and put our house in order.

  4. C.H.Mason gave Seymour a terrible advice regarding marriage. Seymour should have gone ahead to marry Clara Lum, the white lady. This would have brought much integration, especially, since Clara was so in love with him and expressed it. Clara destroyed the revival because she was scorned, and both Seymore and Mason were to blame for bad judgment.

  5. Strife is what the enemy loves to use, to bring division, disunity. We as christian's need to walk in unity and love, any hint of strife kick it out. Love is key, love sees no record of wrongs, does not rejoice in evil, rejoices in truth. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. James 3:16

  6. I used to date a lady who lived on Bonnie Brae in Los Angeles. She lived across the street from the house William Seymour began the Azusa Street revival. The house is landmarked as site of origins of Azusa Revival. It was surrealistic to see this house and imagining Los Angeles at the turn of the 1900’s, the 20th century.

  7. Thanks for the Sharing. Yes, we NEED to be United as a Body of Christ in order to have a Successful and Mighty End Time Harvest of Lost Souls. PERIOD.


  8. Praham he did not what see black and white tarry together for holy ghost power will slay black and white they fall on top of each other this out rage parham said this just slave camp meeting of pass of slavery on top of each like hog parham was racist and a homsexual

  9. Division and separation is what always causes strife and discord if they just had a desire to read the Word of God more they could have been very influential and possibly prepared the way for the Lord to come and establish Peace on earth for 1000 years.

  10. The church always loves the story of the good samaritan when we are poor financially, it's a story of hope, but when we are blessed financially it's a burden, because we are flesh, it's easy to say trust God, but it's hard to trust God, in deeds, especially when it's required of us, I know personally, I have worn both shoes at one time or another, and have failed because I walked in the flesh not in the spirit, but jesus Yeshua is always faithful, quick to forgive, thank you jesus Yeshua, amen.

  11. Notice James Seymour, was going in the right direction in one area LOVE, jesus Yeshua biggest reason for coming to earth, to be our passover, betrayed by the ones he loved, the reason he came GOD So LOVED The WORLD That He GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON! the key word is LOVED!!!! Jesus Yeshua loved us humans when we did not love Him….

  12. The church in those days were to quick to cast you out, and not quick enough to forgive, born of flesh is flesh! And we live in flesh, that's why jesus Yeshua said forgive your brother in christ 490 times a day, a day, now how much more are we ask to forgive a non believer , jesus Yeshua said while on the cross in his Last moments, Father FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY HUMANS, KNOW not what they do.

  13. Thank you for your treatment of this delicate moment in time. I also thank the Triune God for your life and pray that the Living God will continue to fill you with wisdom, knowledge and understand. I was very much blessed by your documentary. It is written that the Triune God does not share His Glory with anyone. He glorifies each and everyone called by His name that we may bring Him glory. Consequently, I have chosen to belief that He also orchestrates the manner in which we fade to the background in HIS story; HE is the Potter man and we are merely earthen vessels, taken out of His story however He desires. God bless you Robert and all that are yours in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

  14. Thank you, Brother Pears. Your Missionary Baptist Sister in Christ. Thank you for looking clearly at the social context of the historic time without blinking. I learned a lot. Also enjoyed your lectures on Kuhlman and Roberts. Love your calm but fiery teaching style. Blessings on your ministry for the Body, of all nations. NEW SUBBIE! 🙏🌹🌹🌹🙏


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