Ultimate Documentary on John Alexander Dowie, An Apostle of Healing

The Cloud of Witnesses Series- John Alexander Dowie, 1847-1907 Please like and subscribe. Also please check out other …


  1. thank you for your documentary. I don't see as many nuances of zionism in this documentary as some of the previous ones, but theree is a dead give away in the amt. of opinion that is interjected here about dowie being a negative character. a man like this certainly would endure extreme opposition as in the same way that Jesus did towards the end of his life. Jesus did not take on this negative reputation that would be reiterated over and over again by his followers, so why must we do it with Dowie. Do you see how there is a lack of integrity in the facts and presentation of the documentary in this way? however, it was very interesting and kept my attention and the pictures were amazing. Thank you.

  2. Brother Robert, I so long to be Baptized by The Holy Spirit, I have really been on my face to God for a long time .. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Please help me pray for the Baptism. How could I feel so desperate for it if God didn’t put it in my heart. I’m constantly in the word or listening to your teachings or someone else’s teachings, I’ve been all through these men that you are talking about, their videos. I hunger so intensely. I cry daily because the want & need for him is so intense.

  3. I always knew I was missing something. I love The Lord, I completely believe in every word in The Bible. I know God is still on the Throne. I need to see the REAL HAND OF GOD. I NEED HIM


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