Tyler Perry has possibly reacted to Christian Keys’ recent comments.


  1. Well again.. as I pointed out when I first saw the blurred pictures, you doesn't have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer to see who.. one of those billionaire's was, and it's not that many black male billionaires in the movie business, you know… again, sooner or later…stuff has a tendency of coming to the light, it just does, so…everybody else is getting theirs, R Kelly, P Diddy, so… he is no exception, you can't be doing this kind of stuff and think God doesn't see.. cuz he does, so.. the only question I have.. what took him so long 🙄

  2. How about not putting people on blast on social media? It’s not hard to go to that person and discuss what is wrong. I also don’t understand when some of you say that Tyler Perry did it when you don’t know him personally and don’t know the full detail of the situation. Some of you need to know the situation instead of hearing what you think is true.

  3. I'm gonna have to watch it again to get it anything out of it but why bring this up now and in the way he seems to bring things to light? on social media and to the public? Feels like a witch hunt from the start no matter who it is or if it's true or not . The most shocking part about all of this is the public reaction online and the mob mentality and rush to judgement that ensues. I'll bet you the same people so "enraged" about this also hate The Sussex's . Especially Meghan.

  4. There are other black producers in the entertainment industry…many of them are women. The questions is and remains, why did he keep going back and trying to work with this particular individual. If this becomes a case, it won't go far unless he really got hard core evidence of SA. Either way, reputations are going to be tarnished.

  5. Another person going on social media getting attention. Just file what you need to. Why the leading drama. I have so much love and feel so bad for anyone abused. Come out and do it in the right way. Maybe there is proof to whomever this claim is about, but after several years of this happening it sounds like a set up? Maybe you encouraged this person for so many years they might have slipped up? The public will only assume untill there is actual charges files or the accuser says who it is? I'm just so sad that people or victims say that it has happened for years and taped it for years maybe the accused is the victim?

  6. Christian shouldn’t have did that without naming names! We always see ppl come out to do this and they end up deceased! If he wants to be paid because of it, he should’ve just said so! It’s a dangerous game to play with Hollywood and it also out his brother n law in a bad place bc they know that he has the information now!


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