Children are like sponge, they soak up what you teach them. The child learnt the Word of God and was willing to reach out to a stranger to help him. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will never depart from it.
Twisted faith like is a wristband that comes without no watches but the faith that is never twisted brings the ring to the finger while everyone watches it goes on
Matthew 19:6 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. When we allow God to be the author and the creator of all things in our lives, then and only then can true love happen. Not a dry eye with this old guy. Thank you for the upload.
This movie was better than I thought. Impressive performance, original story, fantastic location and a wonderful message of faith, hope, love, and the presence of God in our lives.
Good movie 10 outta 10
I loooovvvveeee Twist of Faith ❤❤❤❤❤!!!
Great movie ❤❤❤❤
Nice movie ?.
Children are like sponge, they soak up what you teach them. The child learnt the Word of God and was willing to reach out to a stranger to help him. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will never depart from it.
Totally awesome movie. Brought me to tears❤
True faith seems twisted when the true nature of it is never found or known
A Beautiful movie
Twisted faith like is a wristband that comes without no watches but the faith that is never twisted brings the ring to the finger while everyone watches it goes on
Guys are in love with guys!!
A great movie
I just love this movie toni voice is everything ❤️❤️
Ugh such a beautiful movie ? ❤
Very heartfelt movie …… ❤??
Beautiful movie.
Very nice move make me cry ❤
Toni you sound like an angel singing like angels
Nice movie i love it
All though this movie is old! I love watching it More once ❤❤❤
What a beautiful movie
Toni is the kinda girl will make every man walk with their tongue hanging, panting like a thirsty dog.
One of my favourite movie..glad to see it here❤…so much you cld learn from it.
I loveeeee Toni Braxton’s voice. She has an angelic voice.
Lovely movie. Enjoyed very much
I love this movie. I can watch it over and over ❤️
Beautiful, amazing. The story and the acting just beautiful.
Matthew 19:6 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. When we allow God to be the author and the creator of all things in our lives, then and only then can true love happen. Not a dry eye with this old guy. Thank you for the upload.
There should’ve been a part 2 and 3
I just want to cry when I see this Movie. I seen it before. Kindess goes a long way.
This movie was better than I thought. Impressive performance, original story, fantastic location and a wonderful message of faith, hope, love, and the presence of God in our lives.
Oh wow I loved this movie. They had a connection even I felt. So emotional, heartfelt.