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  1. John the Baptist, your voice is clear, keep making the crooked way straight, the armies are close my brother. Your running your race. Men of authority are all around you yet they are still waiting for them without them knowing who they are. I love you brother

  2. The lord in past days ; started to give me understanding of the things Apostle Michael orokpo is teaching and now I can understand and am becoming everyday the things I now understand because they have become my meditation thank you lord .
    Be blessed Apostle

  3. If ever you will see this, sir. Whenever I have an encounter and am confused, any of your messages I listen to that day, be it 2 years ago you will talk about my encounter. This has been on for months now, I started listening to you recently. I'm broken…with all the revelations, mysteries, miracles, and the voice of God that I have heard and encountered…can you believe a doubt about Christ began to spring up in my soul. I have been confessing my belief over and over again, with tears of unbelief how wicked I am to doubt my lover…this has been going on for 5-6 days now, till yesterday you dropped this message. I believe in Christ. I pray I get to meet you in person, sir, and share to you a revelation concerning you. I love you, sir, ❤️. I bless God every day for you. Thank you for helping me to understand my encounters… I'm a nobody who needs help from God.

  4. I got saved under apostolic leadership in 1988 at the age of 22 baptized in the name of Jesus speaking ING in Tongues by the laying on of hands, and my Spritual father Pastor unfortunately passed had a stroke in 2014 and I have felt like a wanderer since, much church abuse, I stopped altogether, Bless you " Man of God" God is faithful!


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