Inspired by the book of Job, Trust tells the story of Daniel Rainwater, an everyday guy whose life is falling apart. As his marriage to …


  1. Such truth in this beautiful movie
    I'm living job life and have been for years
    Through it all the lose sickness that has come
    I m beyond grateful for my love for
    My God Spirit Jesus
    Through it all
    My love and Strength Trust has always been My God My faith
    I don't ask Wy
    I ast to straighten and gide me.

  2. I've seen this movie before, but it was good to watch again. Giving up isn't an option, for all of it is God's plan. We may not like what we're going thru, but God is right there with us – all the way. That's the way my life is going, I don't like it – but God has a purpose – making me stronger (hopefully). I seem to be a slow learner, so things just keep coming. But praying & asking God for help, he has come thru. We have such a Good God, who's there for us. It's a good idea, to write down all the Blessings that God have given us. That way we can actually See, what he has done all thru our life. Praise God & Give Him all the Glory, for he has showed us what he can do.


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