TRUE Location of Biblical Mount Sinai Finally Revealed in New Film? | The Watchman

On this week’s episode of The Watchman show on TBN, host Erick Stakelbeck talks to the man behind a fascinating new film that …


    The Jewish archaeologist is not concern they were more focus on Jerusalem, for what and ever since the Rabbi Jewish archaeologist do not care the present Mount Sinai in Egypt region back in 1967.

    For me it is significant ministering to Muslim. Reason, the modern Arab as Saudi exposed on the western civilization they were more moderate it lead them back search to their religious root. This attention I notice to the authority of U.A.E. Not only built three religion shrines (Christian-Islam-Judaism) in their country also they were glad informed that there is artifacts or remaining christian church now they plan ti make it a tourist spot and learned too their ancestor is Christian.

    So my prayer to the future to be king Muhammad Salman to reform the tradition fit to modern civilization it lead Saudi open to the Gospel without resistance🙏


  3. I am an electrician and a believer in jesus…. God is open my eyes more than I could ever imagine what happened… I understand that there are positive and negative electrons.. Everyday they rain from the heavens down to the earth and they are Attracted to the ground…. When the holy spirit is pouring into it will overflow you with positive electrons and all the negatives will be pushed out. The negatives come from the world and satan…. It is of the dark.. Positives come from god and the holy spirit and jesus and and they are of the light… When moses goes to the mountain he also carries a wooden staff…. The wooden staff is like a lightning rod and it attracts positive and negative electrons that are raining down… If the ground has any vegepatient or trees. It makes it so difficult to catch. The falling of the electrons because they will go to the vegetation in instead of directly to you…. But when the ground is like the desert and the mountain is barren with no plants.. And you hold a lightning rod the wooden staff… All that's around in electrons will go through your staff because it is the closest point and it is connected to the Earth that they will choose to attract to the staff…thats why the electrons trying to travel through the air choose the staff because the air is resistant and the wooden staff allows no resistance and so the electrons go directly. To the closest point that they can reach earth…. Moses It's on top of the mountain praying praying in the spirit filling himself with the glory of God and overflowing his cup. And positive electrons from God. And he becomes charged so much in the spirit that it becomes infinity where the voltage and the current keep filling him Up and will not stop Until he turns off the switch and walks away…. This is why god told him to speak to the rock and not to use the staff to break it open and release the water to the people….. We can release this energy in both ways when you are filled with negatives and you are filled with the world and deceptyou cannot contain it and you. Will blow up and the only way for those negatives to be released from the body. It's only released through speaking through your voice that you can expel the flood that makes it pop inside you…. The same goes for when you are filled with the spirit and the positive electrons overflowing you you can also speak 2 others… Pray and they will receive all the positive electrons no matter what because their ears are receivers and our voice are like an antenna and they are receiving through listening…. All of their negative electrons that they are holding on to will leave and positives will start to fill them……

  4. Thank you God for Clark Van Wick pastor/teacher, on youtube. His knowledge surpasses anything I have ever heard. He goes thru the Bible and gives a clear and truthful understanding of God's word. Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship, Temecula, CA

  5. This is why it says to pray always and never stop so that we stay filled and overflowed with positives and negatives have no void in our lives. That they can enter… Stay praying stay worshiping, Stay sharing the gospel And do not turn to the World.

  6. There is only one way. To fill yourself up with positives Never comes from the world or anything that man can do but it comes from jesus…only.
    .. And only jesus can wash away your sin and negatives that are in golfing your life… And without him your sins will never be delivered….. Only he can clean us only he only he can save us from sin. Only in believing in jesus can we be saved.. Without these things? You will only be able to attract negatives and in the end. You will be cast out into the fire.

  7. Leviticus 26:46. Joshua 1:1-8. 1Samuel 16:7. Jeremiah 15:1-3. Ezekiel 3:17-20. Isaiah 7:14. Psalms 22:1-21. Matthew 27:46. John 19:28-30. Joshua 1:1-18. DO NOT COMPLAIN LIKE JESUS OR EMMANUEL!!! Joshua 1:18. Exodus 20:7-8-12. Deuteronomy 5:1-11. Deuteronomy 18:1-2. Malachi 3:3-4. Malachi 4:2. John 3:14-16?!. Jeremiah 31:31-34?!. Proverb 22:6. Isaiah 54:13-17?!. Isaiah 41:10. Isaiah 62:1-2?!. Isaiah 63:1-2?!. Hebrew 8:10-12. John 12:49-50?!. Jeremiah 23:6?!. Malachi 1:11. Hebreo 4:12.

  8. To all our brothers and sisters around the world, that are praying for us in Israel & Jerusalem, we love you and thank you.❤
    We see what's happening in the U.S. and are very concerned. While you pray for us, we pray for you and send you all our blessings for you to overcome your political & social turmoil in America.
    May the Lord bless you all with peace and prosperity. Amen.
    Tom – Israel

  9. Shabbat 😎😉🇮🇱🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸shalom 😚😙😜eretz yisrael benei yisrael are hashem chosen nation amen and archeology authority Mr. Simcha jacobovici has said that Saudia arabia is the official place of midian of moshe rabbeinu or moses we need more support from our allies amen USA America and Canada all stand behind our Jewish people in eretz yisrael 🇮🇱🇮🇱😎🇺🇸🇺🇸😎🇨🇦🇨🇦😎🇮🇱🇺🇸🇬🇧🇨🇦🤗😉😉this is what you when we all come together 👊👊👊👊✊👊👊👊🤛🤜✊👌✋

  10. This is why when moses leaves egypt… Aaron's rod is used choose to carry the ark And they are designed for high voltage electricity… Because the ark It's a high voltage container that can be charged to infinity….. And if anyone touches it because they are standing on the ground all of the high voltage electricity will be released through them and burn them and turned them to ash instantly….. These boxes were made and used all over egypt…… And then moses being super charged using the staff using the ark .. And water Can be moved my high voltage static electricity….. You can try this by rubbing a balloon on your head. Letting the faucet run water and placing the balloon after it is charged next to the stream of water and it will bend….. Now imagine the balloon is the ark . But it has been charged To infinity and has the power to push back All water And it's surroundings… And this is why moses can control it… Like a switch and turn it off. Allowing the water to go back to more and take out the egyptian army…… The ark Is a capacitor that can be charged to infinity… Moses with the staff. Is a conductor… And the high? Voltage. Static charge Has so many magical unexplainable properties and interacts with all material material in atoms That exist….. Aaron's rod is very special.. But it's not super complicated. Moses staff is very special but it is not complicated at all. The arc of the covenant is super special but it is not complicated at all….
    God has revealed. All this to me and how it all works… I share it to you now so that you can know the truth…. Moses received this knowledge from god he walks in the presence Of god and is filled with the spirit…

  11. Thank you Jesus for Dying on the cross for me, for my sin You took my place so I can have eternal life !❤ Amen 🙏🏻❤!!! I Love You Jesus come please soon to RAPTURE Us ❤❤❤

  12. Mount Sinai is inside the mountainous country of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦..I've been there twice. Timothy Mahoney and he's group were not the first people to explore this mountain. There was another duo of Chritians in the name of

  13. Joel Ridcherdson has talk about that locacion for years . And God bless Yisrael , but it is a hard headed son that dose not want to repent Yisrael needs to be broken by Adonai.Forgive my spelling

  14. "Blessed is the one that believes but has not seen".

    at 60, I have never wavered in my belief of the biblical stories and I love it when archeology uncovers evidence of what I already know to be true.

  15. pry fore all isrels pepole all around the world so i pray that the lord protecs isreal and nabing blood lines arolund the world and remember all srereans jentils and help isreal and amirica

  16. This ain't new This information came out in the documentary of the film mountain of fire there were those who took risks to attain this info way before. But to the GLORY of GOD the BIBLE IS NOT A tale IT IS FACT HALLELUJAH THESE EVENTS ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

  17. I have Tim Mahoney's Pattern of Evidence Part 1 and The Red Sea. I highly recommend them. Tim Mahoney is serious about seeking out the truth and thank YeHoVaH he has stepped up and done the work. End days is here and we need this! I only wish we could have Patterns of Evidence show in Australian Cinemas and world wide. Thanks Erick for your awesome interview with the lovely Tim Mahoney. YeHoVaH bless you all. 🙏🏻❤

  18. Watch: "Powerful Speech – Israel's 75th Anniversary Since It's Rebirth | Prophet Dr. Owuor | May 15, 2023" on Repent and Come Out of The Great Tribulation. Amen


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