TRAMPLED 2: THE MOVIE The story continues… Trampled 2 is more than just a movie; it’s a reflection of the Church and the Body …


  1. Hmmmmm it is well. May the Lord help us. While watching this, it dawned on me that we all have flaws and have done things we are not proud of 😭. But the greater the revelation of my sins overwhelms me, the even greater the endless, and boundless LOVE of my savor makes me reverence and stand in acknowledgement of the depth of what he did for me and everyone on the cross ✝️. Ohhh what depth of love indeed does my father the lover of my soul have for me!! A lost and helpless sinner justly and rightly deserving of hell to the first degree, but he came he took my place 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    My heart is broken πŸ’”, broken not by sin but by the overwhelming awareness of his Love for me. Who are my? Lord, who are we ? That You Love us this way 😭😭😭😭

  2. I've learnt this lesson recently, not to judge. Nobody is perfect and nobody is without sin. Give people the grace you want to receive. I was judging someone who didn't give up on someone, and God immediately revealed to me how someone in my own life did not abondon me and still decided to like me. I had no right to judge that person. It opened my eyes.

  3. Did David's heart feel vengence and recognizing this to be a sin, he ended it for all of them? Was his heart dealing with pride feeling such an injustice had to meet his justice? Didn't see David go here, but honestly I get it, although there seems to be some pruning left to do… Very interesting πŸ€”. Also interesting was the head pastor of the church and his lack of forgiveness of Jonah. The heart deceitful above all things, who could know it…. WOW!!!!

  4. Watched the film with and it opened up my eyes who can we trust except the Lord. We must evaluate ourselves daily and and not be swayed by the sins of the flesh. Father forgive us where we have fallen short Amen πŸ™ 6:02

  5. 39:20
    You could have covered that brand's logo on your pull over.
    With a scene like this, that brand organization can make a case with you, ruthlessly.

    Moreso, except you are advertising for a brand of product or displaying affluence through wears and designers, no one should wear branded products for production.

  6. 1:04:40
    Why does this guy like to bend and shoot out his backside like a female πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    I have seen him in movies act funny like a lady with his body posture and shooting out his lips when he hisses. he is always hot tempered, pepper body abeg 🀣

  7. Now, I love the twists and intrigue in this second part.

    Scriptural lessons have been strategically littered across the movie. Here is a movie the church needs to premiere across her denominations, for the Shepherd to to learn the ways of Christ in love and the TRAMPLED to learn the way of forgiveness.

    May God bless the crew and cast and open new ideas for more.
    Now, we're expecting part 3.


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